PLOT_IV allows specifying some formatting options for files containing I(V) plots, like the Rfactor_plots.pdf and THEOBEAMS.pdf files. Possible flags are axes, colors, legend, overbar and perpage, explained below.


PLOT_IV was previously called PLOT_RFACTORS. To ensure backwards compatibility, PLOT_RFACTORS is still a permissible alias for PLOT_IV.

PLOT_IV axes / borders

PLOT_IV axes (or borders) defines which axes are drawn for each panel.

Default: all


PLOT_IV axes = less     ! draw only left and bottom axes. Equivalent to 'lb'
PLOT_IV axes = bottom   ! draw only bottom axes. Equivalent to 'b'

Acceptable values: all / less (or lb) / bottom (or b) / none

Even if “none” is set, the bottom axis for the bottom-most plots will always be drawn, and labelled with the energy steps.

PLOT_IV colors

PLOT_IV colors defines what colors should be used when plotting I(V) curves. In the Rfactor_plots.pdf file, the first value specifies the color of the I(V) curve corresponding to the theoretical beam, the second value for the experimental beam. Only the first value is used in THEOBEAMS.pdf, additional colors will be ignored. If fewer colors than required are specified, the remaining curves will use matplotlib defaults.

Default: uses default matplotlib colors (tab:blue and tab:orange)


PLOT_IV colors = red blue
PLOT_IV colors = tab:blue tab:orange   ! the default
PLOT_IV colors = #000000 #1c6d69

Acceptable values: HTML hex strings or any named color recognized by matplotlib.

Expects string values, separated by space. The values will be passed to matplotlib as string without further interpretation; if matplotlib cannot interpret them, colors will fall back on the matplotlib default.

PLOT_IV legend

PLOT_IV legend defines how often the legend is printed. This affects only the legend labelling the experimental/theoretical beams. The beam indices and R factors per beam are always printed.

Default: all


PLOT_IV legend = first     ! draw legend only on the first plot on each page
PLOT_IV legend = topright  ! draw legend only in the top-right plot on each page; equivalent to 'tr'
PLOT_IV legend = none      ! don't draw the legend

Acceptable values: all / first / topright (or tr) / none

PLOT_IV font_size

PLOT_IV font_size defines the font size used for the labels and legends in the I(V) plots.

Default: 10


PLOT_IV font_size = 15

Acceptable values: float values > 0

PLOT_IV line_width

PLOT_IV line_width defines the width of the lines used to plot the I(V) curves.

Default: 1.0


PLOT_IV line_width = 2.0   ! use line_width 2.0

Acceptable values: float values > 0

PLOT_IV overbar / overline

Replaces the minus sign for negative-valued beam indices by an overline.

Default: False


PLOT_IV overline = True
PLOT_IV overbar = True     ! equivalent

Acceptable values: T(rue), F(alse), not case sensitive

PLOT_IV perpage / layout

PLOT_IV perpage (or layout) defines how many panels (i.e., how many beams) should be rendered on one page of the Rfactor_plots.pdf and THEOBEAMS.pdf files.

Default: 2


PLOT_IV perpage = 1     ! separate page per beam
PLOT_IV perpage = 8     ! 2 columns, 4 rows
PLOT_IV perpage = 21    ! 3 columns, 7 rows
PLOT_IV layout = 2 2   ! 2 columns, 2 rows
PLOT_IV layout = 3 4   ! 3 columns, 4 rows
PLOT_IV perpage = 3 4   ! 3 columns, 4 rows - equivalent to above

Acceptable values: Single positive integer, or tuple of two positive integers

If two values are given, these will be interpreted as a (columns, rows) layout instruction, which may or may not work well. If a single integer N is given, layout is automatically chosen as:

columns = round(sqrt(N/2))
rows = ceil(N/columns)

The width of the figure is fixed as 7 inch. Height is adapted as needed, with panels keeping a 2:1 aspect ratio.