The PARAMETERS file in the work folder will be regularly checked for updates. If STOP is set to True, the program will cancel ongoing delta calculations or searches, and stop after the current section.

Default: STOP = False


STOP = True

or simply


Acceptable values: no value required; simply starting a line with STOP will set it to True (unless the line is STOP = False).

STOP provides a way to cleanly terminate the program when a keyboard interrupt is not possible. Note that if you are using a job script to execute viperleed.calc in a work folder, you need to modify the PARAMETERS file in that work folder, not in the home folder, for STOP to take effect.

If STOP is already set when the program starts, the PARAMETERS file will be modified to comment out STOP, and a warning will be printed.

Even if STOP is set, the superpos and \(R\)-factor-calculation sections will still run if they are next in line.