BULK_LIKE_BELOW is a helper parameter that can be used to automatically determine BULK_REPEAT, N_BULK_LAYERS and LAYER_CUTS. It specifies a fraction of c in the POSCAR unit cell below which the structure is bulklike, i.e., unrelaxed (if coming from DFT), or sufficiently close to unrelaxed to fall within SYMMETRY_EPS. Generally, this is the most easy way to detect and define the bulk if at least two unrelaxed bulk repeat units are present in the POSCAR file. BULK_LIKE_BELOW does not need to be specified if the bulk is manually defined through N_BULK_LAYERS, LAYER_CUTS, and BULK_REPEAT.

Default: No default, no auto-detection of bulk if undefined

Allowed values: positive float between 0 and 1



BULK_LIKE_BELOW will only be used once during initialization, then automatically commented out in PARAMETERS for future runs. Instead, the automatically detected N_BULK_LAYERS, LAYER_CUTS, and BULK_REPEAT will be written into the PARAMETERS file explicitly. This ensures stability of the bulk definition in case some of the layers that are initially bulk-like are then varied during optimization.

The bulk unit cell is detected by taking only the slab below BULK_LIKE_BELOW and finding the smallest translation vector (towards vacuum) with a c component that preserves the structure. Only translation vectors with z components of less than or equal to the thickness of the slab below BULK_LIKE_BELOW are considered. The minimal such translation vector is by definition the minimal BULK_REPEAT vector. By default, N_BULK_LAYERS is 1, but if a further cut with layer spacing of at least 1.2 Å is possible within the bulk repeat unit, then N_BULK_LAYERS will be chosen as 2 and LAYER_CUTS will be set accordingly.

Note that for the automatic detection to work, the bulk structure has to repeat at least once below BULK_LIKE_BELOW. If there are not enough unrelaxed layers, you can try to choose BULK_LIKE_BELOW more liberally and increase SYMMETRY_EPS to still detect the bulk repeat unit automatically. However, be aware that the numerical precision of the detected BULK_REPEAT vector is then limited by the relaxations of your structure, and may need to be corrected manually.

If BULK_REPEAT is already defined, BULK_LIKE_BELOW will be ignored (with a warning).