Citing ViPErLEED
If you use any parts of ViPErLEED in a scientific publication, the authors appreciate citations to the relevant papers:
F. Kraushofer, A. M. Imre, G. Franceschi, T. Kißlinger E. Rheinfrank, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, L. Hammer, and M. Riva, ViPErLEED package I: Calculation of I(V) curves and structural optimization, Phys. Rev. Res. (2024), submitted. arXiv:2406.18821.
M. Schmid, F. Kraushofer, A. M. Imre, T. Kißlinger, L. Hammer, U. Diebold, and M. Riva, ViPErLEED package II: Spot tracking, extraction and processing of I(V) curves, Phys. Rev. Res. (2024), submitted. arXiv:2406.18413.