IV_SHIFT_RANGE defines how much calculated and experimental I(V) curves are allowed to shift (in electronvolts) during calculation of the \(R\) factor, and (optionally) the step width.

Default: from -3 to +3 eV, with step from experimental or calculated curves (whichever is smaller)


IV_SHIFT_RANGE = -5 5         ! range -5 to +5 eV, with step determined from data
IV_SHIFT_RANGE = 0 0          ! suppress shifting
IV_SHIFT_RANGE = -4 4 0.1     ! range -4 to +4 eV, with 0.1 eV step
IV_SHIFT_RANGE = _ _ 0.2      ! default range, but use 0.2 eV step

Acceptable values: Either 2 or 3 float values. Step has to be positive. Underscore is interpreted as default value.

See also: FILAMENT_WF parameter (filament work function, shifts the electron energy with respect to the Fermi level).