How to run and directory organization
In ViPErLEED, each set of calculations for one system must have its own directory. This is because the input and output files have case sensitive, fixed names, see the list of files. A typical approach is to create one such directory for each experimental dataset and each time a new structural model (i.e., POSCAR file) is considered.
Listing 23 shows an example directory tree with the files needed to start a LEED-I(V) calculation in ViPErLEED. See the installation instructions for a guide on how to install ViPErLEED. See also the Examples section for some working calculations to help you get started.
Minimum input
To set up a ViPErLEED calculation, first create a source directory
(in this example my_surface
) and place all input files inside.
The minimum information required to start a reference calculation is contained in three files:
IVBEAMS file: This file contains information on which beams should be written to the output. It can be generated automatically starting from an EXPBEAMS.csv file that contains the LEED-I(V) curves measured experimentally. If an EXPBEAMS.csv file is provided,
will use it also to decide the energy range to calculate (THEO_ENERGIES), unless specified otherwise in PARAMETERS.PARAMETERS: This file contains the settings for the calculation (see the list of parameters). If no VIBROCC file is given, the PARAMETERS file must contain values for T_EXPERIMENT and T_DEBYE.
POSCAR: This file contains the structure for the reference calculation. ViPErLEED will determine the applicable symmetry from the POSCAR file. See also the symmetry settings and input-structure settings.
To run also a delta amplitudes calculation or a structure search, you additionally need to provide a DISPLACEMENTS file that contains the requested perturbations of the structure.
A domain calculation , that is, with multiple coexisting surface structures, requires a slightly different directory tree. See the domain-calculation section.
Starting the calculation
Once you have set up the input files you are ready to start the calculation.
You can start it by invoking viperleed calc
via the command line. A list
of all available command-line options can be found here.
A typical call may look like this:
viperleed calc -w $work_path -t $tensorleed_path
SET tensorleed_path="path\to\tensorleed_dir"
SET work_path="path\to\work_dir"
viperleed calc -w %work_path% -t %tensorleed_path%
The directory at work_path
is the one where the calculation will be
executed and all temporary files will be stored. It is created if it does not
exist. The tensorleed_path
is the path to the Tensor-LEED source code.
If the -t
option is not given, ViPErLEED looks for the TensErLEED source
code under the path specified by the VIPERLEED_TENSORLEED
environment variable (see also Setting an environment variable).
HPC systems
If you are running ViPErLEED on a high-performance computing
(HPC) system with a workload scheduler such as
make sure to load the required compilers, MPI
implementations, and Python packages/environment in
the submission script (e.g., via module load mpiifort
Such a submission script usually contains details on the requested hardware
(e.g., declared via #SBATCH
in slurm) and instructions on which
precompiled packages to make available.
Listing 24 shows an example for a submission script for
the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC-4), which
uses the slurm workload manager. The script first loads the required Intel
compilers and conda distribution, before executing ViPErLEED using
the viperleed command.
slurm, as on the Vienna Scientific Cluster.#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH -J viperleed # job name
#SBATCH -N 1 # 1 node
#SBATCH --qos=skylake_0096
#SBATCH --partition=skylake_0096
# source .bashrc to initialize conda
source ~/.bashrc
module purge
# load Intel compilers
module load compiler/2022.0.1
module load mkl/2022.0.1
module load mpi/2021.5.0
# load conda
module load miniconda3/4.12.0-intel-2021.5.0-kwofrye
# activate conda environment
conda activate viperleed
# viperleed source code location
# location of the input files
echo "Working directory: $work_path"
echo "ViPErLEED Source: $tensorleed_path"
viperleed calc -w $work_path -t $tensorleed_path
Directory organization
executes calculations in a work directory, distinct from the directory
containing the input files. The path to such work directory can be specified
via the -w
command-line option. There are two main reasons
for running the calculations in a dedicated directory: (i) viperleed.calc
a large number of files to handle TensErLEED and its input/output,
and (ii) some HPC systems do not allow execution of jobs in the
“user space” that typically contains the input files.
Upon starting execution, viperleed.calc
copies all the input files into the work
directory, runs all requested calculations, and then copies the relevant
output files back to the input directory. For this purpose, it also creates
a manifest file that lists the files and directories to be copied back.
Listing 25 shows an example of the directory tree
after a run. The my_work
directory may be on a different file-system
path (including a different drive, a network path, or a remote server) or be
a subfolder of my_surface
├── Deltas/
│ ├──
│ └── ...
├── OUT/
│ ├── THEOBEAMS.csv
│ ├── Rfactor_analysis_refcalc.pdf
│ └── ...
├── SUPP/
│ ├── POSCAR_bulk
│ ├── POSCAR_bulk_appended
│ ├── POSCAR_oricell
│ └── ...
├── Tensors/
│ ├──
│ └── ...
├── workhistory/
│ └── ...
├── calc-<timestamp>.log
├── DISPLACEMENTS <-- input
├── EXPBEAMS.csv <-- input
├── IVBEAMS <-- input, or created by calc
├── PARAMETERS <-- input, may be edited by calc
├── PHASESHIFTS <-- input, or created by calc
├── POSCAR <-- input, may be edited by calc
├── POSCAR_user <-- input
└── VIBROCC <-- input, or created by calc
├── manifest
└── ...
will create the additional input files IVBEAMS,
PHASESHIFTS, and VIBROCC if not provided by the
user; see the respective sections for details.
During the very first run, the original POSCAR file is renamed to
, while the new POSCAR
contains the structure
as interpreted by viperleed.calc
. See the section on the POSCAR file for
more details.
Information about the progress of the calculation and about errors
in the user input are printed to the terminal and recorded in the
calc-<timestamp>.log file. It is always a good idea to check the
log file thoroughly for WARNING
directory (created automatically) contains the results of the
calculation, see the list of output files for details.
also produces some supplementary files, stored
in the SUPP
directory. These files contain intermediate results or may
be of interest for debugging purposes. For example, the files
POSCAR_bulk, POSCAR_bulk_appended and
POSCAR_oricell which are helpful to asses the
correctness of the detected plane group and bulk structure will be stored in the
If a refercence calculation is run with
Tensor output, a Tensors
directory will
be created that stores the tensor files.
Similarly, if a delta-amplitudes calculation is run,
a Deltas
directory will be created that contains the resulting
delta files.
In case of automated multiple-search runs (which can be specified in the
DISPLACEMENTS file), viperleed.calc
creates a workhistory
It contains one subfolder for each intermediate run, storing input and
output files that will be overwritten during subsequent runs.
For multi-domain calculations the input structure will be different, as separate directories are used for the inputs of each domain. See the domain-calculation section for more details.