A POSCAR file describes the structure: The unit cell, the atom types (and the number of atoms for each type), and their coordinates. Note that the atom names in a POSCAR file (“POSCAR elements”) need not be actual chemical elements (as given in the periodic table). See element name collision for the distinction between POSCAR elements and chemical elements, and the ELEMENT_MIX and ELEMENT_RENAME parameters for mapping between POSCAR element names and chemical elements.
The POSCAR file format is the same as used in VASP input, and can be exported directly from VESTA [12] (File -> Export Data -> file type ‘VASP (POSCAR;*.vasp)’ -> Fractional coordinates). The atoms in the POSCAR file are ordered by element, but otherwise, their order does not matter. In the data lines containing coordinates, only the first three columns are read by ViPErLEED, so anything to the right will be ignored. POSCAR files with “Cartesian” coordinates will be accepted, but ViPErLEED uses fractional (“Direct”) coordinates in all output files, so it is recommended to follow this convention in the input as well.
See also: POSCAR in the VASP wiki
ViPErLEED has some requirements concerning the orientation of the structure in the POSCAR file. The first two unit cell vectors a and b must be parallel to the surface plane, i.e. their z component (perpendicular to the surface) must be zero. The third unit cell vector c must have a non-zero component in the z direction, but does not necessarily have to be perpendicular to the surface. Slabs must be asymmetric, with +z pointing away from the surface and the lowest-lying layers (i.e. smallest z coordinates) bulk-like.
After the viperleed.calc
initialization is run for the first
time, the original POSCAR file will be copied to POSCAR_user. The following
changes are then made to POSCAR:
The unit cell will be simplified to a higher-symmetry / lower-circumference form, if possible. If this happens, a warning will appear in the log together with the transformation matrix.
Rhombic, oblique and hexagonal cells will be transformed from acute to obtuse
The origin will be shifted to a high-symmetry point, that is, the highest-order rotation axis, or if no rotation axis is found, a mirror or glide plane.
For atoms that were recognized as symmetry-equivalent within SYMMETRY_EPS, the atomic positions will be averaged to fully correspond to the system’s symmetry (using either an automatically determined plane group, or the one defined in SYMMETRY_FIX). This behavior can be altered with the SYMMETRIZE_INPUT parameter.
Atoms that lie within SYMMETRY_EPS of a rotation axis or mirror plane will be moved onto that axis or plane to fully correspond to the system’s symmetry. This can also be prevented via SYMMETRIZE_INPUT.
If a symmetry reduction that requires rotation of the unit cell has been set in the SYMMETRY_FIX parameter, the unit cell will be rotated in the POSCAR.
Comments will be added in the POSCAR file, which predict the behaviour of the system during the subsequent calculations (see below).
A separate POSCAR_oricell file is created (see SUPP folder), which contains comments and corrections of atomic positions, but with the same orientation and position of the unit cell as in the original POSCAR. This can be used for direct comparison (e.g., in VESTA [12]) with the original file, and can be useful to judge whether the SYMMETRY_EPS value chosen is appropriate.
In addition, a POSCAR_bulk file is created (see SUPP folder) based on the LAYER_CUTS, N_BULK_LAYERS, BULK_REPEAT and SUPERLATTICE parameters. The structure in this file represents the bulk as it will be used during the TensErLEED calculations. You can check whether the bulk unit cell was recognized correctly by opening POSCAR_bulk in VESTA and editing the boundary such that multiple cells are shown in all three directions. For the same purpose, the POSCAR_bulk_appended is the original POSCAR file with 1–3 bulk units (depending on the bulk thickness) appended at the bottom, meant to check whether the bulk cell is aligned correctly with the slab.
If the SYMMETRY_CELL_TRANSFORM parameter is set, or if a smaller-area unit cell is found during the symmetry search, an additional POSCAR_mincell file will be written, containing the atoms in the reduced unit cell.
After executing a search, a POSCAR_OUT file will be produced in the OUT folder. This takes the same format as the POSCAR file after initialization, and the new positions are those of the best-fit structure found during the search (i.e., corresponding to the lowest \(R\) factor).
A POSCAR_vacuum_corrected file is provided (in folder SUPP) if the original POSCAR file does not have a suitable vacuum gap (> 5 Å) between its topmost and (a c-periodic replica of its) bottommost atom. The following POSCAR input files will be considered unsuitable for ViPErLEED:
The vacuum gap is somewhere in the middle. This means that there are multiple atoms above a large (> 5 Å) vacuum gap. A typical example is a ‘symmetric’ slab centred at \(c=0\);
There are atoms very close (\(< 1\times10^{-4}\) in fractional coordinates) to both \(c=0\) and \(c=1\).
In these cases, the POSCAR_vacuum_corrected file may be used as a starting point to produce an acceptable input POSCAR for a subsequent run.
When preparing a new set of input files from POSCAR_vacuum_corrected, be careful to adapt any PARAMETERS that are defined as fractions of the unit-cell c vector (e.g., LAYER_CUTS, BULK_LIKE_BELOW, BULK_REPEAT).
A POSCAR file with a gap smaller than 5 Å will not cause ViPErLEED to stop, but a POSCAR_vacuum_corrected file is nonetheless generated. It can be used, e.g., to judge the appropriate identification of which atoms are at the top and which ones belong to the bulk-like portion of the input POSCAR.
Comment lines
The POSCAR file contains the following comment lines after initialization:
Plane group: planar symmetry group of the slab. If SYMMETRY_FIX is used to select a certain group, this will be indicated, while the full symmetry of the slab is mentioned in brackets. In the POSCAR_oricell file, this is prepended by stars, since the original cell might not display the correct symmetry. See also the list of planegroups.
The atoms are then listed one per line, grouped by element. For each atom the following information is given:
N: Consecutive numbering of the atoms. Same as atom number in VESTA [12]. Atom numbering is conserved from the original POSCAR. This numbering convention is applied everywhere in
, as determined from SITE_DEF.Layer: The layer that the atom is in, as determined from LAYER_CUTS.
Linking: Progressive label that indicates which atoms are related to one another by the symmetry Group. When one of the atoms from an equivalence group is moved via the DISPLACEMENTS, its equivalent ones will be also moved such that the symmetry is conserved (see the DISPLACEMENTS file for further details).
FreeDir: Allowed in-plane movement direction for the atom during LEED optimization. Will be
if the atom is on a rotation axis, and[i j]
if the atom is on a mirror plane, where the allowed direction isia + jb
. This column is not displayed in the POSCAR_oricell file, since the cell (and therefore the unit vectors) might be different. Bulk atoms will be labelledbulk
in this column, since they cannot be moved during optimization.