Domain calculations

If multiple structures coexist on the sample, then the experimental beams are an incoherent superposition of the beam sets diffracted from each of the different structural domains. This means that the different structures must be optimized at the same time to optimize the \(R\) factor between calculated and experimental I(V) curves. This page covers how the structure of the input files for ViPErLEED changes when domains are present.


While domain calculations can be run from scratch (i.e., including the reference calculations) from two sets of input files, a way to get more user control is to first execute reference calculations separately for the different structures, then start the domain calculation from the Tensors_<index>.zip files produced by those reference calculations. This way, one can verify the correct execution of the Initialization for each domain, that the detected symmetries are sensible, that the theoretical beam sets for the different domains are as expected, etc., before launching into the simultaneous optimization of the structures.


TensErLEED requires the different structures to be calculated on the same surface supercell, i.e. with the same unit cell in the POSCAR file, and the same SUPERLATTICE parameter for each domain. Since changing the unit-cell size may change the detected symmetry, the SYMMETRY_CELL_TRANSFORM parameter allows defining a base unit cell and linking redundant atoms by translational symmetry.

In addition to the surface unit cell and the SUPERLATTICE parameter, the following settings must also be the same in each of the reference calculations (it is recommended to fix the PARAMETERS explicitly):

Running the domain calculations

To execute a domain calculation, set up a base folder (my_domain_calc in Listing 26) containing all the normal input files, except for the ones specifically concerned with the structures, i.e., without POSCAR and VIBROCC. Likewise, the PARAMETERS file should contain no parameters concerned with interpretation of POSCAR or VIBROCC, such as, e.g., BULK_REPEAT, ELEMENT_MIX, SITE_DEF, etc.; if any such parameter is present, it will be ignored. Finally, in the PARAMETERS file, do define the DOMAIN parameter once for each of the domains that should be included. The DOMAIN parameter can point to an absolute or relative path from which the input data for a given domain should be fetched. The path may point to a complete Tensors_<index>.zip file (e.g., my_domain_2/Tensors/ in Listing 26) or to a folder containing the usual input files for a reference calculation (EXPBEAMS and DISPLACEMENTS files in the subfolder are ignored), as those in my_domain_1 of Listing 26. If the target path is a directory in which previous ViPErLEED calculations have been executed, viperleed.calc will check whether there is a Tensors folder, and fetch the highest-number Tensors_<index>.zip file. For more information, see the DOMAIN page. Use the DOMAIN_STEP parameter to define the step width for domain-area variations.

Listing 26 Example directory tree for a domain calculation.
├── Domain_1/         <-- Created by calc at initialization
│   ├── OUT/          <-- Created by calc at end
│   │   ├── POSCAR_OUT
│   │   ├── VIBROCC_OUT
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── SUPP/          <-- Created by calc at end
│   │   ├── POSCAR_bulk
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── Tensors/       <-- Copied by calc from /my_domain_1/
│   │   └──
│   ├── PARAMETERS     <-- Copied by calc from /my_domain_1/
│   ├── POSCAR         <-- Copied by calc from /my_domain_1/
│   └── VIBROCC        <-- Copied by calc from /my_domain_1/

├── Domain_another/    <-- Created by calc at initialization
│   ├── OUT/           <-- Created by calc at end
│   │   ├── POSCAR_OUT
│   │   ├── VIBROCC_OUT
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── SUPP/          <-- Created by calc at end
│   │   ├── POSCAR_bulk
│   │   └── ...
│   └── Tensors/       <-- Copied by calc from /my_domain_2/
│       └──

├── OUT/
│   ├── Rfactor_analysis_superpos.pdf
│   ├── Search_progress.pdf
│   └── ...
├── calc-<timestamp>.log
├── EXPBEAMS.csv

├── Tensors/
│   ├──
│   ├── ...
│   └──

└── Tensors/

You can then run viperleed.calc as usual. In the base directory, a subfolder is created for each domain (folders Domain_1 and Domain_another in Listing 26). Input files for each domain are copied there. All structure-specific output files (e.g., POSCAR_OUT, VIBROCC_OUT) will go to these subfolders, not to the original paths from which the inputs were fetched. Output concerning all domains taken together will go to the main folder (e.g., the Search-progress.pdf file and the \(R\)-factor plots after the Superposition calculation).

To specify which segments should be run, either use the RUN parameter as usual, or set RUN = 4 as a shorthand for a domain calculation. This will be interpreted as RUN = 1-3 or RUN = 2-3, depending on whether the input files are compatible files or whether a reference calculation is needed, respectively. For RUN = 4, reference calculations will only be executed for the domains that need them. Specify RUN = 1-3 explicitly to rerun reference calculations for all domains. However, as discussed above, it is recommended to run the reference calculations separately beforehand for better control, and specify RUN = 2-3 explicitly here.


The bookkeeper functionality is only partially implemented for domain calculations. The bookkeeper will archive and clean up the top level directory as usual, but the domain-specific directories will not be cleaned up. To preserve the domain-specific output files, you must manually run the bookkeeper in each of the domain directories using the command viperleed bookkeeper --archive. To clean the directories and remove old _ori and .log files, run the bookkeeper with the -clear flag.

The DISPLACEMENTS file for domains

Instead of specifying DISPLACEMENTS in each of the input subfolders, DISPLACEMENTS are defined in the main folder for all domains. The syntax is similar to the way consecutive searches are specified, with an extra header line specifying which domain is being addressed, e.g., for a calculation with two domains called 1x1 and 2x1:


  == DOMAIN 1x1

    * L(1) z = -0.1 0.1 0.02
    * L(2) z = -0.05 0.05 0.025

  == DOMAIN 2x1

    * L(1-2) z = -0.1 0.1 0.02
    * L(3) z = -0.05 0.05 0.025


Indentation is allowed, but does not affect the functionality.