
The Rfactor_plots files (Rfactor_plots_refcalc.pdf and Rfactor_plots_superpos.pdf) plot the results of the \(R\)-factor calculations. Theoretical and experimental I(V) curves are drawn for every beam, and the \(R\) factor per beam is given.

Rfactor_plots_refcalc.pdf is generated after the \(R\)-factor calculation following the refercence calculation (section RUN = 11), while Rfactor_plots_superpos.pdf is generated after the \(R\)-factor calculation following the superposition (section RUN = 12).

Note that the curves are the ones output by the TensErLEED \(R\)-factor program (theo.column and exp.column), not the ones found in EXPBEAMS.csv / THEOBEAMS.csv / FITBEAMS.csv, and may differ from the original data in that an inner potential shift (IV_SHIFT_RANGE), polynomial interpolation of both theoretical and experimental curves, as well as smoothing of experimental curves (R_FACTOR_SMOOTH) and normalization may have been applied.

The appearance of the \(R\)-factor plots can be modified with the PLOT_IV parameter.


Fig. 25 Example of a Rfactor_plots_(refcalc).pdf file created by ViPErLEED during the example on the Hematite \((012)-(1 \times 1)\) surface discussed here. This partical dense overview was created with the setting PLOT_IV perpage = 3 8.