The Rfactor_analysis files (Rfactor_analysis_refcalc.pdf and Rfactor_analysis_superpos.pdf) plot the results of the \(R\)-factor calculations, as well as rudimentary analysis.
The topmost plot on each page is the same as given in the Rfactor_plots.pdf files, i.e., the theoretical and experimental I(V) curves for a given beam, as well as the \(R\) factor.
The second plot shows the Y functions (see, e.g., Pendry [21]) of the I(V) curves, and the difference between the two. Since the \(R\) factor is determined by integrating the squared difference between the Y functions, this plot gives a rough idea where the main contributions to the \(R\) factor come from.
Finally, the third plot on each page makes this more explicit by plotting the cumulative sum of the squared difference between the Y functions \(\frac{(Y_1 - Y_2)^2}{(Y_1^2 + Y_2^2)}\), which is the term used in the Pendry \(R\) factor. This allows quick identification of the areas contributing most to the \(R\) factor.
Fig. 24 An \(R\)-factor analysis plots for a single beam calculated in the example on the Hematite \((012)-(1 \times 1)\) surface discussed here.