
The bookkeeper is a built-in ViPErLEED utility that automatically runs after and before each ViPErLEED calculation. It moves input and output files to a “history” directory, keeping the main folder organized while also keeping track of all relevant changes. in between executions of ViPErLEED calculations to clean up directory and keep track of the history of a calculation.

See viperleed bookkeeper for details on how to run the bookkeeper manually.

The bookkeeper has four modes as described below. It runs automatically before and after each ViPErLEED calculation, but can also be run manually at any time. Most importantly, the bookkeeper automatically moves and updates the file PARAMETERS, POSCAR and VIBROCC. By default these files are overwritten by the output files of the previous calculation, so that a new calculation can be started without having to manually copy the output files.

  • Archive: Stores the results of the previous calculation into the history directory, and overwrites the input files PARAMETERS, POSCAR and VIBROCC with the results of the previous calculation stored in the OUT directory. The previous input files are renamed to PARAMETERS_ori, POSCAR_ori and VIBROCC_ori for reference Runs automatically at the end of every calculation.

  • Clear: Removes files belonging to a previous run if they were already stored to history. This includes all *_ori files, *.log files and the OUT and SUPP directories. Runs automatically at the start of every calculation.

  • Discard: Discards the results of the previous run and restores the input files to their original state. This is useful if the previous run was not successful and you want to start over. Input and output files of the previous run will still be stored in the history directory for reference. Needs to be run manually with viperleed bookkeeper --discard.

  • Discard full: Same as Discard, but also removes the input and output files of the previous run from the history directory as if it had never happened. Needs to be run manually with viperleed bookkeeper --discard-full.

Changed in version 0.12.0: The bookkeeper behavior was overhauled and the names of the modes were changed. and notes.txt

The bookkeeper also creates or updates a file, which stores the following information each time the bookkeeper runs:

  • Notes: Either added manually, or inserted automatically. When the bookkeeper runs and a notes or notes.txt file is present in the folder, the contents of that file will automatically be inserted here, and the notes file will be cleared. This allows taking notes concerning a currently running job in advance, without having to wait for it to finish and the bookkeeper to run.

  • Tensors: Which Tensors file was used in the tleedm job being stored (may be multiple if reference calculations repeat)

  • Job ID: A number given to the job being stored. Increments by 1 every time the bookkeeper runs. Resets to 1 when a new Tensors file is created, so a specific job is identified by the combined TensorNumber.JobID (see below)

  • Run: List of tleedm work segments that were run in the job. Taken from the end of the main tleedm log.

  • R-factors (if applicable): R-factors of the final reference calculation or superpos calculation, if any were run.

  • Time: Starting time of the tleedm job being moved. This serves as a reliable unique identifier, but is not as intuitive as the Tensors and job numbers.

  • Folder: The (main) folder created for this job in the “history” directory, i.e. where the bookkeeper is moving files to.

History organization

History directory names are formatted as tXXX.rYYY_timestamp, where XXX is the (highest) Tensor number of the job, YYY is the Job ID, and the timestamp corresponds to the starting time of tleedm execution.

A similar system as the bookkeeper history is used by tleedm during execution when the order of execution loops backwards, i.e. by executing another reference calculation after a search, or running multiple searches consecutively. In these cases, tleedm creates a “workhistory” directory and moves a snapshot of all input and output files that may be relevant and may get overwritten into a subfolder there. Note that this process may capture input and output files that are not from the latest segments; the purpose of this is to preserve information, but it does not reliably sort files by when they were created.

When the bookkeeper runs and a “workhistory” directory is present, the workhistory contents will be incorporated into the history. Directories in the workhistory will be moved to history and renamed to tXXX.rYYY.ZZZ_segments_timestamp, following the same basic formatting of the job directories in the history. XXX, YYY and timestamp correspond to the Tensor number, Job ID and timestamp of the full job; final output will be in the directory tXXX.rYYY_timestamp. The ZZZ_segments directories store the snapshots at given times of executions, i.e. before the job returned to a segment that was already executed, or that may overwrite input. ZZZ simply numbers the different workhistory directories, while segments gives a quick overview about what type of calculations were performed before this snapshot was created.

For example, if a first job on a system is run with RUN = 1-3, and the DISPLACEMENTS file defines multiple consecutive searches, then the final history directory will be named t001.r001_time. When the first search is finished, and the job loops around to execute further delta-amplitudes calculations and searches, output may be overwritten. Therefore, at this point, a snapshot of all input and output files is created and stored in workhistory; in the final history folder, this snapshot will appear as t001.r001.001_RDS_time. The “.001” marks that it is the first such snapshot taken for this job, and the “RDS” indicates that a Reference calculation, Delta calculation, and Search were executed before the snapshot was taken. If, after the second delta/search execution, the job loops back again, then a second snapshot will be created and end up in t001.r001.002_DS_time. Again, if you are only interested in the final output, you can safely ignore all history directories following the tXXX.rYYY.ZZZ_segments_timestamp formatting, and only check the tXXX.rYYY_timestamp directory.