N_CORES defines the number of cores available for TensErLEED execution.

Default: Determine available cores on system automatically (might fail)

Allowed values: positive integer


N_CORES = 16


Some BLAS and LAPACK libraries (e.g. Intel MKL, which is used by default with ifort) support use of multiple threads. This can conflict with the parallelization used by ViPErLEED and massively reduce performance (we have observed a factor of up to 50).

To avoid this, restrict the number of multithreading threads by setting the corresponding environment variable (e.g. $MKL_NUM_THREADS for Intel MKL):


Ideally, \({\mathrm{N\_CORES} \times \mathrm{THREADS}}\) should be set to the number of available hyperthreading cores on the system with the N_CORES as high as possible without running into memory limitations.

The TensErLEED search program is executed using mpirun, with the number of cores specified by N_CORES. If mpirun / mpiifort are not present on the computer running viperleed.calc, no parallelization will be performed in the search (see also FORTRAN_COMP). Reference and Delta calculations instead use python multiprocessing to execute multiple TensErLEED processes, so those can run without an MPI compiler.