The parameter LOG_LEVEL controls the verbosity of the output log. LOG_LEVEL follows the standard Python logging levels, as defined by the logging module. As such, higher lower values correspond to higher verbosity with any value below 10 being debug messages. In PARAMETERS LOG_LEVEL can be assigned an integer value in the range [0, 50], or one of the following shorthands:

  • debug, True: 10

  • verbose, v: 5

  • vverbose, vv: 1

The verbose and very-verbose options may lead to a very larger amount of output, which can be useful for debugging purposes.

Default: LOG_LEVEL = 20 (shows INFO messages and higher)


LOG_LEVEL = 10          ! show DEBUG level messages and higher
LOG_LEVEL = debug       ! sames as above

Acceptable values: \(0 \le\) LOG_LEVEL \(\le 50\)


If a calculation is invoked with the --verbose or --very-verbose command-line options, the log level will be overridden to 10 or 1, respectively. This can be useful for quick debugging without having to change the PARAMETERS file.

New in version 0.10: Prior to version 0.10, this parameter was called LOG_DEBUG and only had the options True/False. LOG_DEBUG = True is interpreted as an alias for LOG_LEVEL = debug.