Example system: Ir(100)-(2×1)-O
In this tutorial we go through a ViPErLEED structure analysis for an Ir(100) surface with adsorbed oxygen, creating a (\(2\times1\)) superstructure. The structure and analysis is based on Ref. 13. The experimental data and input model were provided by Lutz Hammer.
We will begin by running a reference calculation and a rough structure optimization. Following this, we move to a finer search grid and run a full-dynamic optimization of the inner potential \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\). After achieving a satisfactory \(R\) factor, we use the ViPErLEED error calculation to estimate how much small changes of atomic positions affect the \(R\) factor. This will give margins for the statistical uncertainties of the determined parameters.
You can download the input files to follow along
If you are new to ViPErLEED, check out the more basic tutorial first, which explains the setup in more detail.
We start from experimental LEED-I(V) curves which are saved in file EXPBEAMS.csv. As reference structure, we use a POSCAR file containing an Ir(100) surface that was hand made from a bulk structure. An additional adsorbed oxygen atom is placed at a bridge site, such that each surface iridium atom binds to one oxygen atom. The height above the surface was chosen to achieve a reasonable Ir–O bond length. See Fig. 6 for a visualization of the structure (using VESTA [12]). In this visualization, we also drew a plane orthogonal to the unit-cell vector \(\mathbf{c}\) at fractional position \(c=0.35\). We will use the BULK_LIKE_BELOW parameter to declare that everything below this cutoff is bulklike.
Fig. 6 POSCAR rendered in VESTA, viewed along \(\mathbf{a}\) (left), \(\mathbf{b}\) (center) and \(\mathbf{c}\) (right). Ir atoms are shown in blue, oxygen in red.
Of course there are other possible structural models, including adsorption at hollow, top, or Ir-sharing bridge sites. Even surface reconstructions (e.g., missing row) are conceivable. Here, we concentrate exclusively on the correct structural model, which is known from the literature [13, 14].
Often the adsorption site (or generally, the structural model) may not be known a priori. In that case, at least a rough analysis has to be performed for each reasonable model in order to find the most promising one(s), before further optimization is performed.
We start by setting up a rudimentary PARAMETERS file, very similar to the one described in the tutorial for the Ag(100)-(1×1) surface, as per Listing 6.
! ####### GLOBAL PARAMETERS #######
RUN = 1-3
THEO_ENERGIES = 50 700 3
V0_IMAG = 5.0
LMAX = 8-14
SITE_DEF Ir = surf top(2)
SITE_DEF O = ads top(1)
! ####### PARAMETERS FOR VIBROCC #######
T_DEBYE = 420
VIBR_AMP_SCALE = *surf 1.3
At the top of the file, we specify some general settings, such as the energy range to be used and our initial guess for the imaginary part of the inner potential \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\). We will run a reference calculation, delta-amplitude, and a structure search back to back, so we specify RUN = 1-3.
To reduce computation time for this example, we also limit the maximum angular momentum quantum number to be used in the calculations by TensErLEED with the LMAX parameter.
As mentioned in the Introduction, we let ViPErLEED find the bulk-repeat unit by itself. For this, we set the BULK_LIKE_BELOW parameter at the height where we drew the plane in Fig. 6.
Using the SITE_DEF parameter, we specify that the topmost iridium atoms should be treated separately. These Ir atoms are differently coordinated than bulk Ir atoms and thus will presumably have a different vibrational amplitude. For completeness, we also specify the site type
for the adsorbed oxygen atom. However, since there is only one oxygen atom in the structure, this will not change the behavior and we could also skip that line.- PARAMETERS FOR VIBROCC
Since we don’t have a VIBROCC file yet, we need to specify the parameters T_DEBYE, T_EXPERIMENT, and VIBR_AMP_SCALE. Note that we can only give one value for the Debye temperature for both oxygen and iridium. The initial vibrational amplitudes will be calculated as explained in the section on T_DEBYE.
Grouping the settings in the PARAMETERS file as described above is not required, but it helps with readability.
For the delta-amplitudes calculation and structure optimization, we also need to set up a DISPLACEMENTS file. Since this is the first run starting from a totally unrelaxed model, we begin with a rather large range and a relatively rough grid, as in Listing 7.
! Label for the 1st search run
== Search z
O_ads z = -0.20 0.20 0.01
Ir_surf z = -0.20 0.20 0.01
Ir L(2-5) z = -0.20 0.20 0.01
! Label for the 2nd search run
== Search x
Ir L(1-4) xy[1 0] = -0.20 0.20 0.01
! Label for the 3rd search run
== Search u
O_ads = -0.10 0.10 0.01
Ir_surf = -0.03 0.03 0.01
By setting multiple search blocks in DISPLACEMENTS, we can tell ViPErLEED to execute them one after the other. When starting to optimize a new system such as here, it is generally a good idea to begin with a geometric optimization perpendicular to the surface (i.e., along \(z\)). This is because the LEED-I(V) curves are most sensitive to out-of-plane displacements.
We then follow up with rough optimizations of in-plane positions and vibrational amplitudes of surface atoms.[1] For the in-plane optimization, we use a simplified assignment for all four layers, although any movement along the \(x\) direction (here parallel to the \(\mathbf{a}\) unit vector) is forbidden by symmetry for Ir atoms in the second and fourth layers.[2] ViPErLEED automatically sorts out any symmetry-forbidden displacements, cf. Fig. 8.
TensErLEED cannot simultaneously optimize displacements in different directions for a given atom. Vibrational amplitudes can be optimized together with one geometric displacement; here we do it separately to speed up the calculation. However, it is generally advisable to combine vibrational-amplitude displacements and displacements along the \(z\) direction, as the parameters may be coupled.
With the files set up, we can start the ViPErLEED calculation. During the first initialization ViPErLEED will generate IVBEAMS and PHASESHIFTS files.
You will notice that the first time we run a new system, ViPErLEED stops execution after the initialization. This is on purpose, and is supposed to give the user a chance to double check the recognized symmetry and annotated POSCAR.
You will need to restart the run manually after making these checks.
When the run is finished, we will see in the log file that the \(R\) factor
has decreased quite a bit. The first reference calculation gave a value
of \(R_\mathrm{P} \approx 0.55\), but \(R_\mathrm{P}\) has dropped to around
\(\approx 0.21\) over the search. We can get a better idea of how
the search has converged by taking a look at the file Search-progress.pdf
in the SUPP
Fig. 7 Upper half of page 1 for Search-progress.pdf
for the rough initial
structure optimization of Ir(100)-(2×1)-O.
Fig. 7 shows a plot of the decreasing \(R\) factor during the various stages of the search. We clearly see that both geometric optimizations made quick progress in terms of convergence. This is expected when starting from an unrelaxed surface slab like the one used here. The other pages of the file give us some insight into how each atomic parameter developed during the structure optimization.
Fig. 8 Pages 2–4 of Search-progress.pdf
for the rough initial
structure optimization of Ir(100)-(2×1)-O (white space removed).
Fig. 8 shows that the (\(z\)) position of the oxygen adsorbate has changed a good amount. Further, we see that the vibrational amplitude of the oxygen atom has gone down, while the amplitude for iridium has gone up.
We want to accept the optimized positions as the new starting
configuration, so we need to replace our old POSCAR and
VIBROCC files with the optimized ones.
This can be done either manually or automatically by calling the
bookkeeper utility with the --cont
$ python3 bookkeeper.py --cont #[or ./bookkeeper --cont]
Fine DISPLACEMENTS and tensor-LEED error
The rough optimization has already significantly brought down the \(R\) factor. We should now continue with a finer search grid. For this, we use a similar DISPLACEMENTS file, but with much smaller range and step size (see Listing 8). We now rerun with RUN = 1-3 to perform a fresh reference calculation for the new starting positions. This is advisable because parameter deviations during the previous fit were not negligible.
== Search z
O_def z = -0.04 0.04 0.004
Ir_surf z = -0.04 0.04 0.004
Ir L(2-5) z = -0.04 0.04 0.004
== Search x
Ir L(1-4) xy[1 0] = -0.04 0.04 0.004
== Search u
O_def = -0.02 0.02 0.004
Ir_surf = -0.02 0.02 0.004
When looking at the log file after the reference calculation, we further notice something important: The \(R\) factor of the reference calculation (\(R_\mathrm{P} \approx 0.18\)) is different from the one we obtained from the superposition calculation at the end of the previous run (\(R_\mathrm{P} \approx 0.21\)). This comes from the error of the tensor-LEED approximation used for the structure optimization. In this case, the real \(R\) factor — as obtained from the reference calculation — is lower. However, this is not always the case. You should never rely on the \(R\) factor produced by the superposition calculation as a final result, but rather run a final reference calculation at the end of your analysis.[3]
Full-dynamic optimization
After the finer search run finishes, we see that the \(R\) factor has again
dropped quite significantly. The \(R\) factor is now below 0.1, which already
indicates very good agreement, but we can get better yet. However, before
proceeding, we should accept the new best-fit structure by calling the
bookkeeper utility with the --cont
$ python3 bookkeeper.py --cont #[or ./bookkeeper --cont]
Now, remember that in the PARAMETERS file of Listing 6 we had to put in an initial guess for the imaginary part of the inner potential \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\). We would now like to also optimize this non-structural parameter. However, it is not accessible in the tensor-LEED approach, which can only treat perturbations on an atom-by-atom basis. Instead, we can use the full-dynamic optimization to find an optimal value for \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\).
During the full-dynamic optimization, multiple reference calculations are run while the chosen global parameter is varied. ViPErLEED then tries to determine an optimal value using a parabola fit. We select \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) for optimization by adding the following line to PARAMETERS:
OPTIMIZE V0i = step 0.5
We then chose to run the full-dynamic optimization by
setting the parameter RUN = 6 and restarting. Once finished, the
log file will let us know of the optimized value for the chosen parameter.
ViPErLEED also produces a file called FD_Optimization.pdf
in the OUT
directory which contains a visualization of the \(R\) factors calculated for
the various values of the parameter and a fit parabola.
It is shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 9 FD_Optimization.pdf
file resulting from the full-dynamic optimization
of the imaginary part of the inner potential, \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\), for Ir(100)-(2×1)-O.
ViPErLEED will also automatically add the new, optimized value to the PARAMETERS file and comment out the line containing the previous value.
Following the \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) optimization we can also run a final structure
optimization, since the new value for \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) may have slightly affected
the optimal positions. Using a (very fine) \(0.002\) Å grid
in the provided example files) we
manage to get a final \(R\) factor of around \(R_\mathrm{P} \approx 0.088\).
Error calculation
Now that we have found a good structure fit, we can run a ViPErLEED error calculation to estimate how sensitive the \(R\) factor is to small changes of specific parameters. As input for the error calculation, we need a DISPLACEMENTS file containing the desired range and steps. The format of the file is the same as used for the delta-amplitudes calculation and structure search.
O_def z = -0.05 0.05 0.002
Ir_surf z = -0.05 0.05 0.002
Ir L(3) z = -0.05 0.05 0.002
Ir L(4-6) z = -0.05 0.05 0.002
Ir L(2-6) xy[1 0] = -0.10 0.10 0.004
Using the DISPLACEMENTS file in Listing 9, we run the error
calculation by selecting the segment RUN = 5.
The result will again be saved in the OUT
directory. ViPErLEED generates a plot of the error curves in Errors.pdf
and stores the raw data in Errors.csv
. The Errors.pdf
file in
Fig. 10 shows that displacement of surface atoms even by a
few picometres drastically increases the \(R\) factor. Here, atom 1 is the
oxygen adsorbate and atoms 2 and 3 are the topmost iridium ones.
Fig. 10 Part of Errors.pdf
showing the effects of geometric displacements.
The point of intersection between the error curve for a parameter and the horizontal line labeled \(R_\mathrm{P} + \textrm{var}(R_\mathrm{P})\) gives a measure for the statistical error of the parameter [5] (see also the section on Errors).
Changes in the vibrational amplitude of the surface atoms (Fig. 11) also strongly affect the \(R\) factor.
Fig. 11 Part of Errors.pdf
showing the effects of changes in the
vibrational amplitude of the topmost atoms.
In general, error plots for geometric displacement tend to show a parabolic profile close to the minimum. Error plots for vibrational amplitudes tend to be more asymmetric, as these amplitudes enter the calculation differently (i.e., via the Debye–Waller factor).
Error curves are also subject to errors of the tensor-LEED approximation. \(R\)-factor values obtained for large deviations should be taken with care.