Example system: Cu(111)-Te ad-chains
The following example covers a ViPErLEED analysis and structure optimization for a copper-telluride layer on Cu(111) based on the paper by Kißlinger et al. [18]. The experimental data and the outline for the analysis steps described below were provided by the authors of the publication. This system deals with a (5 × √3)rect superstructure and has 10 atoms per bulk layer. It serves as an example for how a rather challenging system can be treated with ViPErLEED. The analysis presented in the original publication was performed using an early development version of ViPErLEED [18].

Fig. 16 Experimental LEED pattern of Cu(111)-(5 × √3)rect-Te at an incident electron energy of 60 eV. Diffraction spots are labeled by the ViPErLEED spot tracker [2].
All input files needed to follow along on your own machine can be found
If you are new to ViPErLEED, check out other tutorials first, which explain the basics in more detail.
The system we are analyzing is a (5 × √3)rect superstructure of copper telluride on the hexagonal Cu(111) substrate. The tellurium coverage is 0.40 monolayers, which corresponds to four tellurium atoms per surface unit cell.
From experiments, we have a set of 79 beams in our energy range (20 to 500 eV), stored in the EXPBEAMS.csv file. These beams correspond to a total energy range of around 17500 eV, of which only around 1800 eV are from integer-order beams. Fig. 16 shows a snapshot of the experimental LEED pattern.
For our example analysis, we start from a qualitatively correct structure model (POSCAR file) with correct layer stacking [18]. However, the initial atom positions in the POSCAR are taken from bulk Cu, so we should expect significant relaxation during structure optimization. Fig. 17 shows a rendering of the initial structure (produced using VESTA [12]).
We will need to run multiple delta-amplitude calculations and structure
optimizations. The individual DISPLACEMENTS files are not
all shown in full below, but you can download all input files
Fig. 17 POSCAR of Cu(111)-(5 × √3)rect-Te rendered in VESTA, viewed along \(\mathbf{a}\) (left), \(\mathbf{b}\) (center), and \(\mathbf{c}\) (right). Cu atoms are shown in blue, Te atoms in yellow.
Similar to the previous examples, we start by setting up a PARAMETERS file as in Listing 16.
! ####### GLOBAL PARAMETERS #######
RUN = 0
THEO_ENERGIES = 20 500 3
LMAX = 8-14
SITE_DEF Te = surf top(2)
SITE_DEF Cu = surf top(2)
! ####### PARAMETERS FOR VIBROCC #######
T_DEBYE = 343
VIBR_AMP_SCALE = *surf 1.3
Most of the parameters in this file have been explained in previous examples, so we will skip some details here. Worth mentioning in this particular case is that we use SITE_DEF to define the two topmost copper and tellurium atoms as explicit sites. We also give the in-plane relationship between the surface and bulk via the SUPERLATTICE parameter, to match the convention used in EXPBEAMS.csv. We use the explicit matrix notation as this particular reconstruction cannot be expressed in Wood’s notation.
For non-obvious relationships between surface and bulk unit cells it is usually better to explicitly specify the SUPERLATTICE parameter. This ensures consistency with the experimental data. This is especially the case when multiple symmetry-induced domains coexist on the surface because of a difference in the plane groups (or unit-cell sizes) of the bulk and the superstructure. Since all domains are symmetry equivalent, ViPErLEED has no way to choose among them.
As usual, the IVBEAMS and PHASESHIFTS files are generated automatically during initialization (RUN = 0). The VIBROCC file will also be generated by ViPErLEED based on the T_DEBYE, T_EXPERIMENT, and VIBR_AMP_SCALE parameters provided.
For the delta-amplitudes calculation and the structure optimization (RUN = 1-3), we will start out with a very rough grid of geometric optimizations (DISPLACEMENTS file). Refer to Listing 17. As is generally recommended, we start with optimizations normal to the surface (\(z\)). Immediately following that comes an in-plane optimization. Due to the complex structure, one in-plane direction is not sufficient: we need to run an optimization along both \(x\) and \(y\) directions. For details on the syntax used, see the entry on the DISPLACEMENTS file.
Te_surf z = -0.30 0.30 0.02
Te_def z = -0.30 0.30 0.02
Cu_surf z = -0.20 0.20 0.02
Cu_def L(2-4) z = -0.10 0.10 0.01
== SEARCH xy
Te_surf xy = -0.30 0.30 0.02
Te_def xy = -0.30 0.30 0.02
Cu_surf xy = -0.20 0.20 0.02
Cu_def xy L(2-4) = -0.10 0.10 0.01
Note that we allow displacements of up to 0.3 Å for tellurium to speed up the convergence in this example. Normally, this is not recommended, because the tensor-LEED approximation will lead to substantial errors for such large displacements.
As usual, we can see a visualization of the optimization convergence in the
Search-report.pdf file of the OUT
Fig. 18 shows the first page of the
Search-report.pdf file. The upper panel shows the
\(R\) factor as a function of the search progress (search generations). The
lower panel reports the deviation of the structural parameters over time.
Together, the two plots give an idea of the quality of the convergence of
the optimization.
Fig. 18 First page of the Search-report.pdf file produced
by viperleed.calc
for the first, rough structure optimization for Cu(111)-(5 × √3)rect-Te.
The initial reference calculation yields an \(R\) factor \(R_\mathrm{P} \approx 0.82\) since our starting configuration is very far from the ideal positions. Over the rough optimization, parameter values are shifted by up to 0.24 Å compared to the initial model (this is a lot!). The \(R\) factor drops to \(R_\mathrm{P} \approx 0.47\). This is still quite poor, but the progress is encouraging.
Remember to keep the best fit-structure by calling the
bookkeeper utility with the --cont
flag before proceeding:
$ python3 bookkeeper.py --cont #[or ./bookkeeper --cont]
The \(R\) factor resulting from an additional reference calculation, is decreased to \(R_\mathrm{P} \approx 0.33\) compared to the \(R_\mathrm{P} \approx 0.47\) value at the end of the optimization run — a big difference. This comes from the mentioned tensor-LEED error.
Fine DISPLACEMENTS and search parameters
Since in the former fit no parameter value reached the edge of the respective variation range, we should follow up by running a second, less coarse, optimization. For this stage, a choice of 10 pm range with 1 pm steps (0.1 Å range with 0.01 Å steps) should be reasonable (see Listing 18).
Te_surf z = -0.10 0.10 0.01
Te_def z = -0.10 0.10 0.01
Cu_surf z = -0.10 0.10 0.01
Cu_def z L(1-4) = -0.05 0.05 0.005
== SEARCH xy
Te_surf xy = -0.10 0.10 0.01
Te_def xy = -0.10 0.10 0.01
Cu_surf xy = -0.10 0.10 0.01
Cu_def xy L(1-4) = -0.05 0.05 0.005
In preparing this example we found that the default search parameters lead to rather slow convergence in this and the following steps. To speed up the process, we recommend using these settings for SEARCH_START and SEARCH_CONVERGENCE (simply append the lines to PARAMETERS):
SEARCH_START = centered SEARCH_CONVERGENCE gaussian = 0.05 0.5 SEARCH_CONVERGENCE dgen dec = 50 1.5
After the previous search steps, the parameters are close to the optimum.
Therefore, the danger of getting trapped in a local \(R\)-factor minimum
close to the starting position is low, and we can initialize the search
at the previously determined values.
ensures that the search range shrinks more rapidly than with standard
The optimization on the 1 pm (0.01 Å) grid allows us to further reduce the \(R\) factor to about \(R_\mathrm{P} \approx 0.23\), which is again a good improvement on the previous value of \(R_\mathrm{P} \approx 0.33\).
Full-dynamic optimization
If we now visually compare experimental with calculated I(V) curves, we already notice a good qualitative agreement. However, we find that the peak widths in the experimental dataset seem to be consistently narrower than in our calculation. This is generally a sign that the imaginary part of the inner potential (\(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\)) of our calculation is off. To be more precise, \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) is likely too large, as larger \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) increases peak widths and smooths out the curves.
\(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) strongly affects the \(R\) factor, but is hard to estimate for an unknown system. Since we did not specify a value for \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) in PARAMETERS, ViPErLEED took the default value of 4.5 eV (see V0_IMAG). The parameter \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) is not accessible in the tensor-LEED approximation, but we can use a full-dynamic optimization to find an optimal value. To do this, we set RUN = 6 and add this line to PARAMETERS:
OPTIMIZE V0i = step 0.5
Always make sure that the optimized value used for \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) is (i) reasonable (\(V_{0\mathrm{i}} \lesssim 7\) eV), (ii) forms an actual minimum, and (iii) gives qualitatively correct I(V) curves.
Since larger \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) values smooth out the I(V) curves, it is possible to deceptively decrease the \(R\) factor by arbitrarily increasing \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\). This usually happens in cases of very high \(R\)-factor values, where \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) optimization is not the main concern anyhow.
Fig. 19 File FD_Optimization.pdf
showing parabolic fit and minimum value for
The optimized value for \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) will be output in the log file and automatically
added to the PARAMETERS file for subsequent runs.
Furthermore, ViPErLEED produces the files
(Fig. 19) and
(Fig. 20) in the OUT
shows the calculated diffraction intensities
for different values of the optimized parameter, while FD_Optimization.pdf
shows the \(R\) factors corresponding to each trial value.
Fig. 20 Part of FD_Optimization_beams.pdf
showing the effects of
\(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) on the (1|0) beam. Note that the \(V_{0\mathrm{i}}\) variation
only leads to minor changes of the spectral appearance.
Refined structure fit
As usual, we can now perform some final structure fits over a fine-grained grid with subpicometre step. In particular, we should also optimize the vibrational amplitudes, which we have skipped so far. We recommend starting with the vibrational amplitudes here, since we have not touched them at all in the previous optimization step. Listing 19 shows the DISPLACEMENTS file for the refined structure optimization.
Te_surf = -0.05 0.05 0.005
Te_def = -0.05 0.05 0.005
Cu_surf = -0.05 0.05 0.005
Te_surf z = -0.05 0.05 0.005
Te_def z = -0.05 0.05 0.005
Cu_surf z = -0.05 0.05 0.005
Cu_def L(1-4) z = -0.03 0.03 0.005
== SEARCH xy
Te_surf xy = -0.05 0.05 0.005
Te_def xy = -0.05 0.05 0.005
Cu_surf xy = -0.05 0.05 0.005
Cu_def L(1-4) xy = -0.03 0.03 0.005
You may want to finish up with a last “fine tuning” of the vibrational
amplitudes and (\(z\)) positions. See, for instance,
in the input files, but feel free to play around
with the setting yourself, to get a feeling for the available options.
Altogether, this should bring us to a Pendry \(R\) factor
\(R_\mathrm{P} \approx 0.19\), which is already a good agreement for
such a heavily corrugated surface. For more details concerning corrugated
surfaces see the discussion in
Ref. 18.
Error calculation
We can also perform an error calculation for this system to gauge how sensitive our result is to minor changes of structural parameters. This can also give us an estimate of the uncertainty of the fit parameters. To run an error calculation, we need a DISPLACEMENTS file specifying the requested steps.
Listing 20 shows an example for displacements along the
\(x\) direction (i.e., parallel to the \(\mathbf{a}\) unit-cell vector for the
POSCAR file used here). Examples for \(y\), \(z\), and vibrational
amplitudes are provided in the
input files
== SEARCH error
Te_surf xy[1 0] = -0.10 0.10 0.004
Te_def xy[1 0] = -0.10 0.10 0.004
Cu_surf xy[1 0] = -0.10 0.10 0.004
Cu_def xy[1 0] = -0.10 0.10 0.004
The results are plotted in the Errors.pdf file, shown in Fig. 21. We see that displacements for atoms in all layers have a drastic impact on the \(R\) factor. Thus, we can be fairly confident that all varied atoms are indeed present within the true surface structure.
Fig. 21 Page 1 of file Errors.pdf
for (left) displacements in \(x\)
direction and (right) changes of vibrational amplitudes.