R_OUT is a file created during the \(R\)-factor calculation in TensErLEED. It contains the \(R\) factors between the input I(V) data (file EXPBEAMS) and theory calculation for each beam and each requested value of the real part of the inner potential \(V_{0\mathrm{r}}\).

\(V_{0\mathrm{r}}\) effectively shifts experiment and theory I(V) curves against each other on the energy axis and needs to be optimized along with structural parameters to find a best fit structure. In TensErLEED this is performed by brute force over a grid, i.e., by calculating the \(R\) factors for each step on the requested \(V_{0\mathrm{r}}\) grid. See the IV_SHIFT_RANGE parameter for details.

The contents of R_OUT are read by viperleed.calc to extract the \(R\) factors.