Source code for viperleed.calc.lib.checksums

"""Checksums for TensErLEED Fortran source code files.

Contains basic information about TensErLEED files and code to check
their checksums before run time compilation. This is supposed to help
avoid security vulnerabilities.

This module can be executed with argument -p "path/to/tensorleed/folder"
to generate the file _checksums.dat which contains an encoded version
of checksums for all TensErLEED Fortran source code files.

We use the common SHA-256 hashing algorithm as available from Pythons
hashlib. The check is toggled by parameter TL_IGNORE_CHECKSUM.

__authors__ = (
    'Alexander M. Imre (@amimre)',
    'Michele Riva (@michele-riva)',
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019-2024 ViPErLEED developers'
__created__ = '2022-10-12'
__license__ = 'GPLv3+'

import argparse
import ast
import base64
import hashlib
import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from warnings import warn

from viperleed import VIPERLEED_TENSORLEED_ENV
from viperleed.calc.files.tenserleed import KNOWN_TL_VERSIONS, OLD_TL_VERSION_NAMES
from viperleed.calc.files.tenserleed import get_tenserleed_sources
from viperleed.calc.lib.version import Version

# Where encoded checksums are stored
CHECKSUMS_FILE_NAME = '_checksums.dat'

# sections of TensErLEED - currently unused
KNOWN_TL_SECTIONS = ('ref-calc', 'r-factor', 'deltas', 'search',
                     'superpos', 'errors')

class UnknownTensErLEEDVersionError(ValueError):
    """Exception for invalid TensErLEED version."""

    def __init__(self, version=None, message=''):
        """Initialize exception."""
        self.version = version
        full_message = ('' if version is None
                        else f'Unrecognized TensErLEED version {version}.')
        if message and full_message:
            full_message += ' '
        if message:
            full_message += message

[docs]class InvalidChecksumError(Exception): """Exception for invalid checksums."""
[docs]class InvalidChecksumFileError(Exception): """Exception for invalid checksum file."""
class TLSourceFile: """Class that holds information of TensErLEED source files.""" def __init__(self, name, version, checksums): """Initialize TensErLEED source file instance. Parameters ---------- name : str or pathlike Path to the source file version : Version or str TensErLEED version. Must be part of KNOWN_TL_VERSIONS. checksums : Sequence of str Valid checksums for this TensErLEED version and file. Multiple checksums may be permissible per version to allow for minor patches. Returns ------- None. """ self.path = Path(name).resolve() # Get "tensorleed" parent folder: # [2] [1] [0] path # tensorleed/TensErLEED-vXX/src/xxx.f base_path = self.path.parents[1] self._name = self.path.relative_to(base_path) if version in OLD_TL_VERSION_NAMES.keys(): version = OLD_TL_VERSION_NAMES[version] version = Version(version) if (version not in KNOWN_TL_VERSIONS): raise UnknownTensErLEEDVersionError(version) self._version = version self._valid_checksums = set(checksums) def __hash__(self): """Return a hash for this instance.""" return hash((self._name, str(self.tl_version))) def __repr__(self): """Return a string representation of self.""" txt = f'TLSourceFile({}, {self.tl_version}, ' return txt + f'{self.valid_checksums})' @property def valid_checksums(self): """Return valid checksums as a tuple of str. Returns ------- checksums : set of str The known checksums for this source file. The values are those given at instantiation, and are usually taken from _checksums.dat """ return self._valid_checksums @property def tl_version(self): """Return the version of this source as a string.""" return self._version @property def file_subdir(self): """Return the subdirectory of this file as a string. Returns ------- subdir : str Currently this is 'src' or 'lib', depending on whether the file is a "PROGRAM" ('src') or if it contains a library of subroutines. """ return @property def name(self): """Return the qualified name of this source file as a Path.""" return self._name def get_tl_version_files(version): """Return a tuple of TLSourceFile instances for a given version.""" version_files = (f for f in TL_INPUT_FILES if f.tl_version == version) return tuple(version_files) def _get_checksums(tl_version, filename): """Return a tuple of valid checksums for given version and filename.""" if tl_version not in KNOWN_TL_VERSIONS: raise UnknownTensErLEEDVersionError(tl_version) tl_version_files = get_tl_version_files(tl_version) applicable_files = tuple(f for f in tl_version_files if == filename) if not applicable_files: raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized filename {filename!r} ' f'for TensErLEED version {tl_version}.') nested_valid_checksums = (f.valid_checksums for f in applicable_files) valid_checksums = (cs for nest in nested_valid_checksums for cs in nest) return tuple(valid_checksums) def get_file_checksum(file_path): """Return the SHA256 hash of the file at file_path. Parameters ---------- file_path : str or pathlike Path to the file whose checksum should be calculated. Returns ------- checksum : str Checksum of file. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If file_path does not exist or if it is not a file. """ file_path = Path(file_path).resolve() if not file_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError('Could not calculate checksum of ' f'file {file_path}. File not found.') if not file_path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError('Could not calculate checksum of ' f'file {file_path}. Not a file.') with'rb') as open_file: content = # Make sure we always have '\n' for line endings, and not '\r\n'. # The latter seems to appear in files synced with git on Windows: # line endings are automatically changed with the default # git/GitHub Desktop configuration. content = content.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n') return hashlib.sha256(content).hexdigest() def validate_checksum(tl_version, filename): """Compare checksum for filename with known checksums. The known checksums are stored (encoded) in _checksums.dat. Parameters ---------- tl_version : Version or str TensErLEED version filename : str or pathlike Path to the file to be checked Raises ------ TypeError If tl_version or filename have an invalid type. UnknownTensErLEEDVersionError If tl_version is not one of the known versions. InvalidChecksumFileError If no known checksum exists for filename. Consider running 'python -m checksums -p "path/to/tensorleed"' to generate a new checksum file. InvalidChecksumError If checksum does not match any of the known checksums for the same file. """ # Ensure TL version is valid if not isinstance(tl_version, (Version, str)): raise TypeError('Invalid type for tl_version') version = Version(tl_version) # convert old version names if necessary if str(version) in OLD_TL_VERSION_NAMES.keys(): version = Version(OLD_TL_VERSION_NAMES[str(version)]) if str(version) not in KNOWN_TL_VERSIONS: raise UnknownTensErLEEDVersionError(version) # Ensure filename is valid and cleaned up if not isinstance(filename, (str, Path)): raise TypeError('Invalid type of filename: ' f'{type(filename).__name__}. ' 'Allowed are str and Path.') file_path = Path(filename).resolve() base_path = file_path.parents[1] # 3 folders up filename_clean = file_path.relative_to(base_path) # Get checksum file_checksum = get_file_checksum(file_path) # Get known checksums try: reference_checksums = _get_checksums(version, filename_clean) except ValueError as exc: raise InvalidChecksumFileError('Could not find checksum ' f'for file {filename_clean}.') from exc if file_checksum not in reference_checksums: raise InvalidChecksumError('SHA-256 checksum comparison ' f'failed for file {filename}.') def validate_multiple_files(files_to_check, logger, calc_part_name, version): """Validate multiple files by calling validate_checksum on each. Parameters ---------- files_to_check : iterable of str, pathlike, None Files to validate. Notice that the iterable will be consumed. If element is None, it will be skipped. This way we can deal with optional files. logger : logging.Logger Logger from logging module to be used. calc_part_name : str String to be written into log referring to the part of the calculation (e.g. "refcalc"). version : Version or str TensErLEED version used. To be taken from rp.TL_VERSION. Raises ------ InvalidChecksumError If any of the files fails the checksum check. """ problematic = [] for file_path in files_to_check: if file_path is None: # May be None, e.g. for muftin.f -> skip continue try: validate_checksum(version, file_path) except (InvalidChecksumError, InvalidChecksumFileError) as exc: logger.error( 'Error in checksum comparison of TensErLEED files for ' f'{calc_part_name}. Could not verify file {file_path}.' f' Info: {exc}' ) problematic.append(str(file_path)) if problematic: txt = ', '.join(problematic) raise InvalidChecksumError( f'SHA-256 checksum comparison failed for files {txt}.' ) # If you arrive here, checksums were successful logger.debug('Checksums of TensErLEED source ' f'files for {calc_part_name} validated.') def encode_checksums(source_file_checksums): """Return a base-64 encoded version of source_file_checksums. Parameters ---------- source_file_checksums : dict Keys are paths to files as strings, values are sets of known checksums. Paths are relative to the tensorleed folder. Returns ------- encoded : bytes base-64 encoded version of source_file_checksums. """ bytes_source = repr(source_file_checksums).encode('utf-8') return base64.b64encode(bytes_source) def decode_checksums(encoded_checksums): """Return a dict of source_file_checksums from its encoded form. This is the inverse of encode_checksums. Parameters ---------- encoded_checksums : bytes Encoded version of source_file_checksums. Returns ------- source_file_checksums : dict Keys are paths to files as strings, values are sets of known checksums. Paths are relative to the tensorleed folder. Raises ------ InvalidChecksumFileError When decoding of encoded_checksums fails. """ encoded_checksums += b'===' # Prevents padding errors bytes_source = base64.b64decode(encoded_checksums) try: return ast.literal_eval(bytes_source.decode('utf-8')) except (TypeError, ValueError, MemoryError, RecursionError, SyntaxError) as exc: raise InvalidChecksumFileError( 'Looks like the TensErLEED source ' 'checksum file has been tampered with!' ) from exc def read_encoded_checksums(encoded_file_path=None): """Return checksums read from encoded_file_path. Parameters ---------- encoded_file_path : str or pathlike, optional Optional location of encoded checksum file. If None, the default location (viperleed/calc/_checksums.dat) is assumed. Default is None. Returns ------- source_file_checksums : dict Keys are paths to files as strings, values are sets of known checksums. Paths are relative to the tensorleed folder. """ if encoded_file_path is None: # file should be in calc/ encoded_file_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent encoded_file_path /= CHECKSUMS_FILE_NAME with open(encoded_file_path, 'rb') as file: return decode_checksums( def _write_encoded_checksums(source_file_checksums, encoded_file_path=None): """Write source_file_checksums to encoded_file_path. Parameters ---------- source_file_checksums : dict Keys are paths to files as strings, values are sets of known checksums. Paths are relative to the tensorleed folder. encoded_file_path : str, or pathlike, optional Optional location of encoded checksum file. If None, the default location (viperleed/calc/_checksums.dat) is assumed. Default is None. Returns ------- None. """ if encoded_file_path is None: # file should be in calc/ encoded_file_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent encoded_file_path /= CHECKSUMS_FILE_NAME with open(encoded_file_path, 'wb') as file: file.write(encode_checksums(source_file_checksums)) def _add_checksums_for_dir(source, checksum_dict_, patterns=('*/GLOBAL', '*/*.f*')): """Add checksums for files in path into checksum_dict_. This function is intended for viperleed developers. Parameters ---------- source : TLSource Source object for the TensErLEED folder to be added checksum_dict_ : dict Checksums dict to start with. Should be {path: {checksums}}. New checksums will be added to existing values. Modified in place. patterns : tuple of str, optional File patterns used to select files (e.g., extension). Syntax should be the one expected by glob. Default is ("*/GLOBAL", "*/*.f*"). Returns ------- None. """ if str(source.version) not in checksum_dict_.keys(): checksum_dict_[str(source.version)] = {} version = source.version for pattern in patterns: for file in source.path.glob(pattern): checksum = get_file_checksum(file) key = str(file.relative_to(source.path).as_posix()) if key not in checksum_dict_: checksum_dict_[str(source.version)][key] = set() checksum_dict_[str(source.version)][key].add(checksum) def _parse_args(parser): """Parse command line arguments. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse.ArgumentParser Command-line interface argument parser. Returns ------- tl_base_path : Path Base path of folder containing TensErLEED source files. tl_sources : tuple Contains TLSource objects for all subfolders contained in tl_base_path checksum_dict : dict Dictionary containing {filename:set(known_checksums)}. Raises ------ RuntimeError If no valid tensor-LEED path was specified as a command-line argument. FileNotFoundError If the path specified at the command line does not exist or does not contain source files. """ args = parser.parse_args() tl_base_path = _resolve_tensorleed_path_argument(args) tl_sources = get_tenserleed_sources(tl_base_path) if not tl_sources: raise FileNotFoundError( f'No TensErLEED folders found in {tl_base_path}' ) # Check for --no-append flag checksum_dict = {} if not args.no_append: try: checksum_dict = read_encoded_checksums() except (FileNotFoundError, InvalidChecksumFileError) as exc: warn(f'Could not read {CHECKSUMS_FILE_NAME} file. ' f'Creating a new one. Info: {exc}') return tl_base_path, tl_sources, checksum_dict def _resolve_tensorleed_path_argument(args): """Return a path to the tensor-LEED folder from CLI args.""" if args.tlpath is None and not args.use_env_variable: raise RuntimeError( 'No path specified. Use --tlpath/-p, or --use-env-variable/-e ' f'to take it from the {VIPERLEED_TENSORLEED_ENV} environment ' 'variable' ) if args.tlpath: tl_base_path = Path(args.tlpath).resolve() else: # Notice that here we don't use the get_tensorleed_path # function from run on purpose, as that one also does # some more verification of the folder name that we # do not really need here. What we care is only that # there are TensErLEED* folders in it. try: tl_base_path = Path(os.environ[VIPERLEED_TENSORLEED_ENV]).resolve() except (TypeError, KeyError) as exc: raise RuntimeError(f'No {VIPERLEED_TENSORLEED_ENV} ' f'environment variable.') from exc if not tl_base_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not find {tl_base_path}') return tl_base_path def _add_parser_args(parser): """Add CLI arguments to parser.""" parser.add_argument('-p', '--tlpath', help='Specify TensErLEED source directory', type=str) parser.add_argument( '-e', '--use-env-variable', help=('Use the path specified in the VIPERLEED_TENSORLEED environment ' 'variable as a fallback in case --tlpath is not given'), action='store_true' ) parser.add_argument( '-n', '--no-append', help=(f'Do not read in existing {CHECKSUMS_FILE_NAME} file and ' 'create a new one instead containing ONLY the current files. ' 'If not specified, the default is to append new checksums ' 'to existing ones'), action='store_true' ) def _write_new_checksum_dat_file(): """Update (or create) the _checksums.dat file. For developers only.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() _add_parser_args(parser) tl_base_path, tl_sources, checksum_dict = _parse_args(parser) for source in tl_sources: version = source.version if version not in KNOWN_TL_VERSIONS: raise UnknownTensErLEEDVersionError( message=('Unknown TensErLEED version ' f'{version} in {tl_base_path}') ) _add_checksums_for_dir(source, checksum_dict) # Write to file _write_encoded_checksums(checksum_dict) # Try to read to make sure it's OK read_checksums = read_encoded_checksums() assert read_checksums == checksum_dict print(f'Wrote {CHECKSUMS_FILE_NAME} successfully!') return 0 if __name__ != '__main__': # Permissible checksums for various source files # in the form {file_path: set(known_checksums)} VALID_CHECKSUMS = read_encoded_checksums() # Generate set of all files TL_INPUT_FILES = set() for version, checksums in VALID_CHECKSUMS.items(): for file_, f_checksums in checksums.items(): TL_INPUT_FILES.add(TLSourceFile(file_, version, f_checksums)) else: # Write new checksum file when executed as a module sys.exit(_write_new_checksum_dat_file())