"""A collection of functions that run ViPErLEED from a provided ASE object."""
__authors__ = (
'Florian Kraushofer (@fkraushofer)',
'Alexander M. Imre (@amimre)',
'Michele Riva (@michele-riva)',
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019-2024 ViPErLEED developers'
__created__ = '2021-06-04'
__license__ = 'GPLv3+'
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import FrozenInstanceError, dataclass
from io import StringIO
import logging
from numbers import Real
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
from typing import Any, Sequence
import warnings
import numpy as np
from viperleed.calc import DEFAULT_WORK
from viperleed.calc.classes.atom_containers import AtomList
from viperleed.calc.classes.rparams import IVShiftRange
from viperleed.calc.classes.rparams import Rparams
from viperleed.calc.classes.rparams import TheoEnergies
from viperleed.calc.classes.slab import Slab
from viperleed.calc.files import iorfactor as rf_io
from viperleed.calc.files import parameters, poscar
from viperleed.calc.files.beams import readOUTBEAMS
from viperleed.calc.files.ivplot import plot_iv
from viperleed.calc.lib.base import rotation_matrix
from viperleed.calc.run import run_calc
from viperleed.extensions.error_codes import check_ierr
from viperleed.extensions.rfactor import r_factor_new as rf # TODO: pylint complains if not compiled
except ImportError:
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# We would really like to use frozen=True here, but since python 3.8.10
# a frozen cannot inherit from a non-frozen. We're forced to emulate
# the frozen-ness by overriding __setattr__ and __delattr__, and using
# the __init__ implementation for frozen dataclasses. It is NOT A GOOD
class _ImmutableSlabTransform(SlabTransform):
"""A container for immutable slab transformations.
This class is meant exclusively as the type for Slab
transformations that cannot be represented via a left-
multiplication of the unit cell with an orthogonal
matrix. These transforms cannot perform any scaling
nor cutting of the unit cell. They should be combined
with SlabTransform instances for that purpose.
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize instance attributes."""
object.__setattr__(self, 'orthogonal_matrix', None)
object.__setattr__(self, 'uc_scaling', None)
object.__setattr__(self, 'cut_cell_c_fraction', 0.)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
"""Raise FrozenInstanceError."""
if name == '__doc__':
# One exception to allow nicer 'help' for instances
super().__setattr__(name, value)
raise FrozenInstanceError(f"cannot assign to field {name!r}")
def __delattr__(self, name):
"""Raise FrozenInstanceError."""
raise FrozenInstanceError(f"cannot assign to field {name!r}")
[docs]def run_from_ase(exec_path, ase_object, inputs_path=None,
slab_transforms=(SlabTransform(),), cleanup_work=False):
"""Perform a ViPErLEED calculation starting from an ase.Atoms object.
This function is a core part of the API for ViPErLEED. It allows
to run a calculation from an ASE (Atomic Simulation Environment)
Atoms object. The ase.Atoms object, which is expected to contain
a simulation cell, will be cut at a specified height fraction,
transformed into a ViPErLEED Slab and written to a POSCAR file. The
ViPErLEED calculation is then executed on the structure using the
input files found either in `inputs_path` or `exec_path`. The type
of calculation performed depends on the value of the RUN parameter
in the PARAMETERS file. If RUN = 1, this yields reference electron
scattering amplitudes and intensities. These are collected in CSV
files, which are returned as strings for further processing.
exec_path: string or Path
Path where to execute the ViPErLEED calculation. The directory
needs to exist. Input files will be copied from `inputs_path`,
if provided. Otherwise it is assumed that all input files are
already in `exec_path`. Temporary files will be stored in a
subdirectory called work.
ase_object : ase.Atoms
ASE-type object that contains the atoms for the slab to be used
with ViPErLEED. This is expected to contain a simulation cell,
which will be transformed using `slab_transforms`.
inputs_path: str or Path or None, optional
Path to directory containing input files (PARAMETERS, VIBROCC,
etc.) for ViPErLEED calculation. If provided, files will be
copied from `inputs_path` to `exec_path` (silently overwriting
existing files there!). If None or not given, no copying
occurs. Default is None.
slab_transforms : SlabTransform or Sequence thereof, optional
Sequence of transformation operations to be applied to the Slab
constructed from ase_object. These include optional "change of
basis" operations, optional `uc_scaling` for scaling the unit
vector lengths, and a `cut_cell_c_fraction` for selecting only
a portion of the `ase_object`. In addition, some special
SlabTransform objects that swap unit cell axes can also be used
(swap_a_b, swap_b_c, and swap_c_a). See help(SlabTransform) and
help(swap_*_*) for further details. The transforms are applied
in the order given. The `cut_cell_c_fraction` is taken only
from the LAST SlabTransform given. Make sure that vectors a & b
do not have any components in z after transformation as this is
not allowed and will raise a ValueError. Default is a single
SlabTransform(), corresponding to no transformation and no cut.
cleanup_work : bool, optional
Whether the work directory created during execution of the
calculation is to be removed at the end. Default is False.
theobeams_file_str : str
Contents of the file "THEOBEAMS.csv", i.e. the scattering
intensities as calculated in the reference calculation. An
empty string is returned if no reference calculation was run.
amp_real_file_str : str
Contents of the file "Complex_amplitudes_real.csv", i.e.,
the real part of the scattering amplitudes as calculated
in the reference calculation. An empty string is returned
if no reference calculation was run or if the file was not
amp_imag_file_str : str
Contents of the file "Complex_amplitudes_imag.csv", i.e., the
imaginary part of the scattering amplitudes as calculated in
the reference calculation. An empty string is returned if no
reference calculation was run or if the file was not found.
v0i : float
Imaginary part of the inner potential as read from the
PARAMETERS file. This is returned here since it is an input
parameter for the R-factor calculation. The value is read
from PARAMETERS and left unchanged - it is not a result of
the calculation and is returned here for convenience only.
If `exec_path` is non-existent or not a directory.
If no PARAMETERS file was found in `exec_path`, after
potentially copying over from `inputs_path`
If either of the first two unit cell vectors have a
component perpendicular to the surface (i.e., along
the z coordinate) after transformation of the unit cell
If the ViPErLEED calculation fails.
The parameter slab_transform and its `orthogonal_matrix` attribute
can be used to apply some useful transformations to the Slab.
Examples include rotations around an axis and flipping the cell
along c (in case the lower part has to be kept, rather than the
upper one). A few special SlabTransform objects are also provided
for swapping unit-cell vectors. Have a look at the matrices
provided as part of this module (use as the `orthogonal_matrix`
attribute of a SlabTransform):
- rot_mat_x(theta) : Rotation matrix around x by theta (deg)
- rot_mat_z(theta) : Rotation matrix around z by theta (deg)
- rot_mat_axis(axis, theta): Rotation around axis by theta (deg)
- flip_c_mat : Mirror matrix that flips the cell along c
and the special SlabTransform objects:
- swap_a_b : Swap vectors a & b (changes handedness)
- swap_b_c : Swap vectors b & c (changes handedness)
- swap_c_a : Swap vectors c & a (changes handedness)
For applying multiple operations, the order does matter. You
can: (i) Combine multiple orthogonal transformation matrices
via matrix multiplication (@ symbol or np.dot) into a single
SlabTransform object (into its `orthogonal_matrix` attribute):
in this case the leftmost matrix is applied last. (ii) Provide
a sequence of SlabTransform objects in `slab_transforms`: here
transformations are applied in the order given (i.e., the
leftmost is the applied first). (iii) A combination of the
previous two.
exec_path = Path(exec_path).resolve()
if not exec_path.is_dir():
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"Invalid exec_path={exec_path}: not "
+ "existent" if not exec_path.exists() else "a directory"
_copy_inputs_to_exec_path(inputs_path, exec_path)
# Check for PARAMETERS file - without that we can't proceed
# Files PHASESHIFTS and VIBROCC are not required and can be
# generated if PARAMETERS are set correctly. IVBEAMS can be
# generated if EXPBEAMS exists.
parameters_file = exec_path / "PARAMETERS"
if not parameters_file.is_file():
# No PARAMETERS file – Error
raise FileNotFoundError("No PARAMETERS file found – this is required")
# Transfer ASE object into slab object for ViPErLEED,
# and save it as a POSCAR file for debug purposes.
slab = _make_and_check_slab(ase_object, slab_transforms)
_write_poscar(slab, exec_path)
# Take care of input files and work directory
# NOTE: PARAMETERS should NOT contain SITE_DEF flags.
# VIBROCC should contain *_surf sites for all elements.
work_path = _make_work_dir(exec_path)
home = Path.cwd()
# Get temporary parameters object
rparams = parameters.read(parameters_file)
parameters.interpret(rparams, slab=slab, silent=False)
# We are ready to run ViPErLEED! Have fun!
exit_code = run_calc(slab=slab,
preset_params=_make_preset_params(rparams, slab))
except Exception as err:
# If ViPErLEED fails, move back to home directory
raise RuntimeError("ViPErLEED calculation failed") from err
if exit_code:
raise RuntimeError("ViPErLEED calculation failed. "
"See log file for details.")
# ViPErLEED should have succeeded if you arrive here. However, we may not
# have run a refcalc (id == 1). In that case, return empty strings.
if 1 not in rparams.RUN:
return "", "", "", rparams.V0_IMAG
# read out the THEOBEAMS.csv file and complex amplitudes
content_list = _read_refcalc_output(rparams)
# Always move back home, even if there were errors
if cleanup_work:
except OSError as err:
f"Failed to remove work directory {work_path}. Info: {err}"
return (*content_list, rparams.V0_IMAG)
def _copy_inputs_to_exec_path(inputs_path, exec_path):
"""Copy all calc input files from inputs_path to exec_path."""
if inputs_path is None:
inputs_path = Path(inputs_path)
for file in _INPUT_FILES:
shutil.copy2(inputs_path / file, exec_path / file)
except FileNotFoundError:
def _apply_transform(slab, transform, apply_cut=False):
"""Apply a single SlabTransform `transform` to `slab`."""
indices = None # Unit-cell and position indices to be swapped
if transform is swap_a_b:
indices = (0, 1), (1, 0)
elif transform is swap_b_c:
indices = (2, 1), (1, 2)
elif transform is swap_c_a:
indices = (0, 2), (2, 0)
if indices:
# Swapping axes will require to make a new bulk slab for sure
if not slab.is_bulk:
slab.bulkslab = None
new_axes, old_axes = ((ind,) for ind in indices)
slab.ucell.T[new_axes] = slab.ucell.T[old_axes]
for atom in slab:
atom.pos[new_axes] = atom.pos[old_axes]
return # No scaling nor cutting
if transform.orthogonal_matrix is not None:
if transform.uc_scaling is not None:
if isinstance(transform.uc_scaling, Real):
transform.uc_scaling = (transform.uc_scaling,)
if not apply_cut or not transform.cut_cell_c_fraction:
# Cut the slab as given in cut_cell_c_fraction - very important
if transform.cut_cell_c_fraction:
slab.atlist = AtomList(at for at in slab
if at.pos[2] >= transform.cut_cell_c_fraction)
def _make_and_check_slab(ase_object, transforms):
"""Return a Slab from ase.Atoms with transformations applied."""
slab = Slab.from_ase(ase_object)
# Transformations of slab:
# Mirror/rotation/swapping and/or stretching/shrinking
if isinstance(transforms, SlabTransform):
transforms = (transforms,)
last_transform = transforms[-1]
for transform in transforms:
_apply_transform(slab, transform,
apply_cut=transform is last_transform)
# Check if the now transformed slab has any z components in vectors
# a & b. Error out as this would mess up parts of the TensErLEED
# calculations, as we always pass on only the first two components.
ab_vecs = slab.ucell.T[:2]
if any(ab_vecs[:, 2] > 1e-5):
raise ValueError(
f"z component found in unit cell vector a ({ab_vecs[0]}) or b "
f"({ab_vecs[1]}). This is not allowed in a TensErLEED calculation."
" Check eventual transformations applied to the unit cell and make"
" sure a and b are in the (x,y) plane."
return slab
def _make_preset_params(rparams, slab):
"""Return preset parameters to use when running viperleed.calc."""
if rparams.SITE_DEF:
return {}
# When no sites are explicitly defined, give all
# atoms visible from vacuum a '_surf' site label
_LOGGER.warning("Parameter SITE_DEF not specified. Double check "
"PARAMETERS and POSCAR to make sure all sites are "
"recognized correctly. Default *_surf sites definitions "
"will be added for atoms visible from vacuum.")
preset_params = {}
site_def = defaultdict(list)
for atom in slab.getSurfaceAtoms(rparams):
preset_params["SITE_DEF"] = {
element: {"surf": atom_numbers}
for element, atom_numbers in site_def.items()
return preset_params
def _make_work_dir(exec_path):
"""Return exec_path/'work' after copying there all input files."""
work_path = exec_path / DEFAULT_WORK
# copy input files to work directory
for file in _INPUT_FILES:
shutil.copy2(exec_path / file, work_path / file)
except FileNotFoundError:
return work_path
def _read_refcalc_output(rpars):
"""Return the contents of the output files produced by a refcalc."""
# List of file name and earliest version in which it appeared
output_files = (
("THEOBEAMS.csv", 0),
("Complex_amplitudes_real.csv", 1.73),
("Complex_amplitudes_imag.csv", 1.73),
content_list = []
for filename, min_version in output_files:
_path = Path(filename).resolve()
content_str = ""
if _path.is_file():
with _path.open("r", encoding="utf-8") as fproxy:
content_str = fproxy.read()
elif rpars.TL_VERSION >= min_version:
_LOGGER.error(f"Could not find file {filename}")
return content_list
def _write_poscar(slab, exec_path): # TODO: could be done with a flag on poscar.write
"""Save slab as a POSCAR file, but warn if one is already there."""
poscar_path = exec_path / "POSCAR"
if poscar_path.exists():
_LOGGER.warning("A 'POSCAR' file is already present in "
f"{exec_path} and will be overwritten.")
poscar.write(slab, poscar_path)
[docs]def rfactor_from_csv( ## TODO: add kwarg for mapping for averaging
beams_file_is_content=(False, False),
v0r_shift_range=(-3, 3),
return_beam_arrays = False,
"""Compute the Pendry R-factor between two CSV files (in ViPErLEED format).
Read in two CSV files containing LEED-I(V) spectra and compute the mutual
R-factor. The format of the files must be the same as accepted/generated by
beams_files : tuple of two string
The two CSV files to be read in for R-factor calculation.
These can contain either theoretical or experimental beams.
If beams_file_is_content is set as True, the string is expected
to contain the contents of the CSV file, otherwise it should be
a path to the file.
v0i : float
Imaginary part of the inner potential (in eV).
beams_file_is_content : tuple of two bool, default=(False, False)
If either value is set to True, it is assumed that the
corresponding element of beams_file contains a string with
the CSV contents rather than a path to the file. For reading,
a StringIO will be used internally.
v0r_shift_range : Sequence of two float, default=(-3, 3)
During R-factor calculation, the two beam sets can be shifted
in energy relative to one another. v0r_shift_range determines
the minimum and maximum shifts (given in eV). The values
should be integer multiples of intpol_step. If they are not,
v0r_shift_range is expanded to the next integer multiples.
intpol_deg : int, default=5
Either 3 or 5; degree of the interpolating spline polynomial
intpol_step : float, default=0.5
Step size of the energy grid the beam data will be interpolated
on (in eV).
return_beam_arrays : bool, default = False
For debugging, you can optionally return the interpolated beams,
y-functions, number of overlapping points & per-beam R-factors.
best_R : float
The R-factor between the two files. Returns the best R factor
found after variation in v0r_shift_range.
best_v0r : float
The v0r value for which the best R-factor was found.
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
"Missing R-factor compiled Fortran extension module. "
"Run make in viperleed/extensions, then try again",
# Use Pendry R-factor - TODO: discuss if this should be a user
# parameter in the API (if so, the code below will need a few
# adjustments)
which_r = 1
# Check compilation of wrapped R-factor code
err_msg = ""
# Check if file is supposed to be read from disk or from memory and pass
# it to readOUTBEMS accordingly.
beams_tmp = [None, None]
for i, (is_content, file) in enumerate(zip(beams_file_is_content, beams_files)):
if is_content:
with StringIO(file) as fproxy:
beams_tmp[i] = readOUTBEAMS(filename=fproxy, sep=",")
beams_tmp[i] = readOUTBEAMS(filename=file, sep=",")
beams1, beams2 = beams_tmp
# MRiva: The following checks are potentially time consuming since they
# require looping through beams. Perhaps we can add an extra keyword
# argument that skips this part altogether. Then, of course, we have
# to assume that the beam files contain exactly the same beams in
# exactly the same order. Not sure the order is consistent between
# consecutive runs, though (it will be if the order of the output is
# the same as in IVBEAMS).
# AMI: Could do, but compared to the refcalc required for the
# theoretical specetra, it's still very fast.
# Check if multiple beams have the same index. This should never be
# the case and would throw off the calculation.
for i, beams in enumerate((beams1, beams2)):
unique_lables = set()
for beam in beams:
if len(unique_lables) != len(beams):
raise RuntimeError(
f"Multiple beams sharing the same index encountered"
f" in input beamset {i}!"
# Check for common beams
beam_corr_1_2 = {}
for i, beam1 in enumerate(beams1):
for j, beam2 in enumerate(beams2):
if beam1.hkfrac == beam2.hkfrac:
beam_corr_1_2[beam1] = beam2
for beam in beams1:
if beam not in list(beam_corr_1_2.keys()):
err_msg += f"Beam {beam.label} from file 1 has no correspondence.\n"
for beam in beams2:
if beam not in list(beam_corr_1_2.values()):
err_msg += f"Beam {beam.label} from file 2 has no correspondence.\n"
corr_beams1 = []
corr_beams2 = []
# Warn but don't raise
if err_msg:
warnings.warn(err_msg, category=RuntimeWarning)
# Done with checking beam indices
n_beams = len(beam_corr_1_2)
for key, value in beam_corr_1_2.items():
# Now get beams into arrays
beams1_arr) = rf_io.beamlist_to_array(corr_beams1)
beams2_arr) = rf_io.beamlist_to_array(corr_beams2)
# Prepare an Rparams object to get the energy ranges right.
# Treat corr_beams1 as 'experiment' and corr_beams2 as 'theory'
rpars = Rparams()
rpars.expbeams = corr_beams1
rpars.THEO_ENERGIES = TheoEnergies.from_sorted_grid(beams2_en)
rpars.IV_SHIFT_RANGE = IVShiftRange(*v0r_shift_range, intpol_step)
# Finally, get the right energies
_, theo_range, *_ = rf_io.prepare_rfactor_energy_ranges(
n_expand=(intpol_deg - 1) // 2
grid = np.arange(theo_range.min,
theo_range.max + 0.1*intpol_step,
averaging_scheme = np.int32(np.arange(n_beams) + 1) # don't average
n_derivs = 1
# interpolate and prepare beam arrays
# initialize beam arrays
) = rf.alloc_beams_arrays(n_beams, len(grid))
ierr = rf.prepare_beams(
beams1_id_start + 1,
beams1_der = beams1_deriv_y.copy()
# writes y into deriv_y
# Beams 2
) = rf.alloc_beams_arrays(n_beams, len(grid))
ierr = rf.prepare_beams(
beams2_id_start + 1,
beams2_der = beams2_deriv_y.copy()
# writes y into deriv_y
# Ready to calculate R-factor
*bounds, _ = rpars.IV_SHIFT_RANGE
v0r_shift_range_int = np.array([round(b / intpol_step) for b in bounds],
v0r_center = sum(v0r_shift_range_int) // 2
start_guess = np.array(
[v0r_shift_range_int[0], v0r_center, v0r_shift_range_int[1]],
# Same settings as used in R-factor for ViPErLEED
fast_search = False # TODO change to True as default if we are sure it is better
tol_r = (1 - 5e-2,)
tol_r_2 = (1 - 5e-2,)
max_fit_range = 6
(_, best_v0r, best_r, n_evaluated, r_beams, numerators, denominators, n_overlapping_points, ierr) = rf.r_beamset_v0r_opt_on_grid(
# If encountered an error
# for debugging, we have the option of returning the beam_arrays, y-Functions etc.
if (return_beam_arrays):
return best_r, best_v0r, (beams1_intpol_intensity, beams2_intpol_intensity), (beams1_deriv_y, beams2_deriv_y), r_beams, n_overlapping_points, (beams1, beams2)
return best_r, best_v0r
[docs]def plot_iv_from_csv(
"""Plots LEED-I(V) spectra directly from a CSV file.
This function can be used to plot LEED-I(V) spectra directly from
a CSV file without running any other calculations.
It is assumed that the CSV file uses the format used by ViPErLEED.
Returns nothing but writes the pdf file.
beam_file : string
If beam_file_is_content is set as True, the string is expected
to contain the contents of the CSV file, otherwise it should be
a path to the file.
beam_file_is_content : bool, default = False
If set to True, it is assumed that the beam_file
contains a string with the CSV contents rather than a path to
the file. For reading, a StringIO will be used internally.
output_pdf : pathlib Path, string or None; default = None
Path to the PDF file where the plot will be saved, if Path or string.
(File is created.) If None, returns list of matplotlib figures.
which_beams : range or Sequence of int or strings
Indices specifying which beams to plot. Order is the same as in the csv.
legends : None or list of strings, default = None
Legends to be used for the various files.
If which_beams is not Sequence containing just integers or
if isinstance(beam_file, Sequence):
n_beams = len(beam_file)
assert len(beam_file_is_content) == len(beam_file)
n_beams = 1
assert type(beam_file_is_content) is bool
all_beam_data = []
labels = []
for file, is_content in zip(beam_file, beam_file_is_content):
tmp_file = StringIO(file) if is_content else file
beam_list = readOUTBEAMS(filename=tmp_file, sep=",")
if not beam_list:
if which_beams == [] or which_beams == "all" or which_beams is None:
elif isinstance(which_beams, range) or all(
[type(label) is int for label in which_beams]
beam_list = [beam_list[i] for i in which_beams]
elif all([type(label) is str for label in which_beams]):
new_beam_list = []
for beam in beam_list:
if beam.label in which_beams:
beam_list = new_beam_list
raise RuntimeError("Invalid argument which_beams in plot_iv_from_csv()")
# normalize each beam by the max intensity
for beam in beam_list:
maxint = max(beam.intens.values())
beam.intens = {en: i / maxint for en, i in beam.intens.items()}
beam_labels=[beam.label for beam in beam_list]
if not labels:
labels = beam_labels
for jj in range(len(beam_labels)):
labels[jj] += ", " + beam_labels[jj]
if not all_beam_data:
# Nothing to plot
raise ValueError("No beams to plot in beam_file")
return plot_iv(all_beam_data, output_file, labels=labels, legends=legends)
[docs]def rot_mat_x(theta):
"""Return a rotation matrix around the x axis.
The rotation is positive, i.e., clockwise when looking along x,
when applied from the left to column vectors. The same rotation
for row vectors can be obtained by multiplying on the right with
the transpose of the return value.
theta : float
Angle of rotation in degrees.
rot_mat : numpy.ndarray
Shape (3, 3). Rotation matrix around the x axis.
theta = np.radians(theta)
rot_mat = np.identity(3)
rot_mat[1:, 1:] = rotation_matrix(theta, dim=2)
return rot_mat
[docs]def rot_mat_z(theta):
"""Return a rotation matrix around the z axis.
The rotation is positive, i.e. clockwise when looking along z,
when applied from the left to column vectors. The same rotation
for row vectors can be obtained by multiplying on the right with
the transpose of the return value.
theta : float
Angle of rotation in degrees.
rot_mat : numpy.ndarray
Shape (3, 3). Rotation matrix around the z axis.
theta = np.radians(theta)
return rotation_matrix(theta, dim=3)
[docs]def rot_mat_axis(axis, theta):
"""Return a 3D rotation matrix by `theta` around `axis`.
axis : numpy.ndarray
A vector parallel to the rotation axis. Shape (3,).
theta : float
Rotation angle in degrees.
rotation_matrix : numpy.ndarray
Rotation matrix around `axis` by `theta`. The rotation is
counter-clockwise when applied to column vectors from
the left.
# We use the 'concise form' of the axis--angle formulation from
# en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix#Rotation_matrix_from_axis_and_angle
axis_dir = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
# Cross-product matrix from stackoverflow.com/questions/66707295
u_cross = np.cross(axis_dir, -np.identity(3))
u_outer = np.outer(axis_dir, axis_dir)
theta = np.radians(theta)
return (np.cos(theta) * np.identity(3)
+ np.sin(theta) * u_cross
+ (1 - np.cos(theta)) * u_outer)
# Some other useful transformations
# Swapping unit cell vectors
swap_a_b = swap_b_a = _ImmutableSlabTransform()
swap_b_c = swap_c_b = _ImmutableSlabTransform()
swap_c_a = swap_a_c = _ImmutableSlabTransform()
# Notice: the __doc__ edit will work fine in python >=3.10, but earlier
# versions print out type(obj).__doc__ when help is called. There's no
# good way around this, other than making each a separate class.
_FMT_DOC = """
This SlabTransform swaps the '{}' and '{}' unit cell vectors,
but does not change the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms.
Be careful, as this transform WILL CHANGE THE HANDEDNESS of the
unit cell. To avoid this, you can instead use a rotation around an
appropriate axis. For orthogonal cells, you can use a 90 degrees
rotation around '{}'.
# pylint: disable=no-member
# Perhaps a bug? __doc__ exists and is set properly
swap_a_b.__doc__ += _FMT_DOC.format('a', 'b', 'c')
swap_b_c.__doc__ += _FMT_DOC.format('b', 'c', 'a')
swap_c_a.__doc__ += _FMT_DOC.format('c', 'a', 'b')
# pylint: enable=no-member
# flip the cell along c (useful if the lower half of the cell is to be kept)
flip_c_mat = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])