Source code for viperleed.calc.files.poscar

"""Functions for reading and writing POSCAR files.

Also defines the POSCARError specific exception, as well as some subclasses.

__authors__ = (
    'Florian Kraushofer (@fkraushofer)',
    'Alexander M. Imre (@amimre)',
    'Michele Riva (@michele-riva)',
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019-2024 ViPErLEED developers'
__created__ = '2020-08-19'
__license__ = 'GPLv3+'

from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from io import TextIOBase
import logging
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from viperleed.calc.classes import atom as calc_atom
from viperleed.calc.classes import slab as calc_slab

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class POSCARError(Exception): """A generic exception related to a POSCAR file."""
class POSCARSyntaxError(POSCARError): """An exceptions for syntax errors in POSCAR files.""" def read(filename='POSCAR'): """Return a Slab with the contents of a POSCAR file. Parameters ---------- filename : str or Path or TextIOBase, optional The file to read from. May be an (open) file object. The default is 'POSCAR'. Returns ------- slab : Slab The slab object. Notice that atoms are normally sorted the # TODO: discuss if OK same way as they were in filename. The only exception is when the file contains atoms that are non-element-contiguous, i.e., there are multiple "blocks" with the same chemical element. In the latter case, atoms are re-sorted to be element-contiguous, in order of appearance of the chemical elements. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If filename is not the path to a valid file. POSCARSyntaxError If unit cell vectors have invalid shape (not enough vectors or not enough components). POSCARSyntaxError If the file does not contain the (normally optional) line of chemical-element labels, or if this line is inconsistent with the one specifying the atom counts. POSCARSyntaxError If no (or too few) atomic coordinate is read. """ if isinstance(filename, TextIOBase): poscar = POSCARStreamReader(filename) return with POSCARFileReader(filename) as poscar: return def write(slab, filename='CONTCAR', comments='none', silent=False): """Write a POSCAR-style file from a slab. If a file named 'POSCAR' exists in the current folder, its first, i.e., comment line is copied over. Parameters ---------- slab : Slab The Slab object to write. filename : str or Path or TextIOBase, optional The file(name) to write to. The default is 'CONTCAR'. comments : str, optional Defines whether additional information for each atom should be printed: - 'none' writes a normal POSCAR (Default) - 'all' all annotations - 'nodir' all annotations except directions relating to a or b (meant to be used with POSCAR_oricell) - 'bulk' is like 'none' but writes the space group (meant to be used with POSCAR_bulk). silent : bool, optional If True, will print less to log. Raises ------- OSError If writing to filename fails. """ slab.sort_by_element() # This is the minimum that has to happen if isinstance(filename, TextIOBase): poscar = POSCARStreamWriter(filename, comments=comments) poscar.write(slab) return try: # pylint: disable=too-many-try-statements with POSCARFileWriter(filename, comments=comments) as poscar: poscar.write(slab) except OSError: _LOGGER.error(f'Failed to write {filename}') raise if not silent: _LOGGER.debug(f'Wrote to {filename} successfully') class POSCARReader: """Base class for reading POSCAR structures into a Slab.""" def __init__(self, source, *, ucell_eps=1e-4): """Initialize instance. Parameters ---------- source : object Positional-only. The source from which the POSCAR structure should be read. ucell_eps : float, optional Cartesian tolerance (Angstrom). All the unit cell Cartesian components smaller than ucell_eps will be zeroed exactly. Default is 1e-4. """ self._source = source self.ucell_eps = ucell_eps @property def stream(self): """Return the stream from which to read structure information.""" raise NotImplementedError def read(self): """Return a slab with info read from source.""" slab = calc_slab.Slab() next(, None) # Skip first line: comment slab.poscar_scaling = float(next(, '1').split()[0]) # TODO: POSCAR wiki says it's more complex! self._read_unit_cell(slab) # Three lines of unit cell element_info = self._read_elements(slab) cartesian, _ = self._read_cartesian_and_group(slab) positions = self._read_atom_coordinates(slab, cartesian) self._make_atoms(slab, positions, *element_info) return slab @staticmethod def _make_atoms(slab, positions, elements, element_counts): """Populate slab with atoms from their fractional coordinates. Parameters ---------- slab : Slab The slab to which atoms are to be added. positions : Sequence Each element is the (a, b, c) fractional coordinate of an atom. There should be exactly sum(element_counts) coordinates. See also element_counts. elements : Sequence Each element is a string, corresponding to the distinct chemical species to be added. Chemical species need not be unique. element_counts : Sequence Same number of items as elements. element_counts[i] is the number of atoms with element elements[i]. Raises ------- ValueError If the number of atomic coordinates given is not equal to the sum of element_counts, if any position is not a three-element Sequence, and if element_counts and elements have different number of items. """ n_positions, n_coords = np.shape(positions) if n_positions != sum(element_counts): raise ValueError('Inconsistent number of atomic fractional ' f'coordinates ({n_positions}) and chemical ' f'element counts ({sum(element_counts)}).') if n_coords != 3: raise ValueError('Invalid fractional coordinates. Expected ' f'3 components, found {n_coords}.') if len(elements) != len(element_counts): raise ValueError('Inconsistent number of items in elements ' f'({len(elements)} and in element_counts ' f'({len(element_counts)}') positions = iter(positions) atoms = defaultdict(list) # Merge same-element blocks for element, n_atoms in zip(elements, element_counts): for n_added, fractional_pos in enumerate(positions, start=1): atoms[element].append( calc_atom.Atom(element, fractional_pos, 0, slab) ) if n_added >= n_atoms: break slab.atlist.clear() slab.atlist.strict = False # All atoms have the same .num slab.atlist.extend(at for el_ats in atoms.values() for at in el_ats) slab.update_atom_numbers() # Also updates atlist map slab.atlist.strict = True slab.update_element_count() slab.update_cartesian_from_fractional() def _read_atom_coordinates(self, slab, cartesian): """Return an array of fractional atomic coordinates read from file_.""" n_atoms = sum(slab.n_per_elem.values()) positions = [] for line in coordinates = line.split() if not coordinates: _LOGGER.debug('POSCAR: Empty line found; ' 'stopping position readout') break try: positions.append([float(c) for c in coordinates[:3]]) except ValueError: # Reached the optional "Lattice velocities" _LOGGER.debug(f'POSCAR: no coordinates in {line!r}; ' 'stopping position readout') break if len(positions) >= n_atoms: break if not positions: raise POSCARSyntaxError('POSCAR: No atomic coordinates found.') if len(positions) < n_atoms: raise POSCARSyntaxError( 'POSCAR: Too few atomic coordinates. Found ' f'{len(positions)}, expected {n_atoms}' ) # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type # Disabled because used only locally, and clear enough. positions = np.array(positions) if cartesian: uc_inv = np.linalg.inv(slab.ucell.T) positions = positions[:, :2] %= 1.0 # Collapse coordinates in a and b return positions def _read_elements(self, slab): """Return chemical elements and counts, and update slab.""" # Line of element labels, then their counts elements = [el.capitalize() for el in next(, '').split()] # Element symbols may be terminated by a '/' + some hash; remove it # See elements = [el.split('/')[0] for el in elements] # Element labels line is optional, but we need it try: _ = [int(e) for e in elements] except ValueError: # Some non-numeric text. OK pass else: # Only numbers. Probably just the element counts elements = [] if not elements: raise POSCARSyntaxError( 'POSCAR: Element labels line not found. This is an optional ' 'line in the POSCAR specification, but ViPErLEED needs it.' ) if any(not el for el in elements): raise POSCARSyntaxError( 'POSCAR: Empty element label found. This is not allowed.' ) element_counts = [int(c) for c in next(, '').split()] if len(element_counts) != len(elements): raise POSCARSyntaxError('Length of element list does not match ' 'length of atoms-per-element list') n_per_elem = defaultdict(int) for element, n_atoms in zip(elements, element_counts): n_per_elem[element] += n_atoms slab.n_per_elem = dict(n_per_elem) if len(slab.n_per_elem) != len(elements): logging.warning( 'POSCAR: atoms are not element-contiguous, i.e., ' 'there are multiple blocks with the same chemical-' f'species label ({elements}). This structure will ' 'not be preserved, i.e., atoms will be re-sorted ' f'(to {list(slab.n_per_elem.keys())}) so that only ' 'one block for each element is present.' ) return elements, element_counts def _read_cartesian_and_group(self, slab): """Read the line containing the "Cartesian"/"Direct" information. slab : Slab The slab object in which information is to be stored. The only attribute modified is .preprocessed, depending on whether there is suitable plane-group information. Returns ------- cartesian : bool Whether the atomic coordinates in the POSCAR file are expressed as fractional (False) or Cartesian (True). plane_group : str The plane group found in the POSCAR file. It will be 'unknown' if no plane group information exists, or in case the information read is not a valid plane group. """ # Skip the optional "S[elective Dynamics]" line cartesian_line = next(, '').lower() if cartesian_line.startswith('s'): _LOGGER.debug("POSCAR: skipping 'Selective dynamics' line (no. 9)") cartesian_line = next(, '').lower() cartesian = cartesian_line.startswith(('c', 'k')) # Check whether POSCAR was pre-processed, i.e., whether # the 'Plane group = ...' comment is already there plane_group = 'unknown' if all(s in cartesian_line for s in ('plane group = ', ' n')): _, plane_group_str = cartesian_line.split('plane group = ') plane_group_str = plane_group_str.split(' n')[0] plane_group_str = plane_group_str.split('(')[0].strip() if not plane_group_str.startswith('*'): slab.preprocessed = True plane_group = plane_group_str return cartesian, plane_group def _read_unit_cell(self, slab): """Read unit-cell vectors into slab from the next three lines.""" ucell = [] for line in try: ucell.append([float(coord) for coord in line.split()]) except ValueError: break if len(ucell) == 3: break slab.ucell = np.array(ucell).T * slab.poscar_scaling if slab.ucell.shape != (3, 3): try: n_vec, n_comp = slab.ucell.shape except ValueError: _err = ('Invalid unit-cell vectors. Expected shape (3, 3), ' f'found {slab.ucell.shape} instead') else: _err = ('Invalid unit-cell vectors: not enough vectors ' f'({n_vec}/3) or not enough Cartesian components ' f'({n_comp}/3).') _LOGGER.error(_err) raise POSCARSyntaxError(_err) slab.ucell_ori = slab.ucell.copy() slab.ucell[abs(slab.ucell) < self.ucell_eps] = 0. # TODO: was done only in x,y. OK to do all? class POSCARFileReader(AbstractContextManager, POSCARReader): """A context manager for reading POSCAR files into a slab.""" def __init__(self, filename, *, ucell_eps=1e-4): """Initialize instance. Parameters ---------- filename : str or Path The path to the file to be read. ucell_eps : float, optional Cartesian tolerance (Angstrom). All the unit cell Cartesian components smaller than ucell_eps will be zeroed exactly. Default is 1e-4. """ super().__init__(Path(filename), ucell_eps=ucell_eps) self._file_object = None @property def filename(self): """Return the name of the file from which to read.""" return self._source # From POSCARReader @property def stream(self): """Return the stream from which to read structure information.""" return self._file_object def __enter__(self): """Enter context.""" if not self.filename.is_file(): _LOGGER.error('POSCAR not found.') raise FileNotFoundError( f'POSCAR file at {self.filename} not found.' ) self._file_object ='r', encoding='utf-8') return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """Close file object when exiting.""" try: self._file_object.close() except AttributeError: pass return super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) def read(self): """Return a slab with info read from file.""" if self._file_object is None or self._file_object.closed: raise ValueError( 'I/O operation on closed file. Use\n' f'with {type(self).__name__}(filename) as poscar:\n' ' slab =' ) return super().read() class POSCARStreamReader(POSCARReader): """Class for reading a POSCAR structure from an open stream.""" @property def stream(self): """Return the stream from which to read structure information.""" return self._source def read(self): """Return a slab with info read from file.""" if raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed stream.') return super().read() class POSCARWriter: """Base class for writing a Slab to POSCAR format.""" def __init__(self, target, *, comments='none', **__kwargs): """Initialize instance. Parameters ---------- target : object Positional-only. An object to be used for writing the structure in POSCAR format. Subclasses are more specific as to which objects they require. comments : str, optional Defines whether additional information for each atom should be printed: - 'none' writes a normal POSCAR (Default) - 'all' all annotations - 'nodir' all annotations except directions relating to a or b (meant to be used with POSCAR_oricell) - 'bulk' is like 'none' but writes the space group (meant to be used with POSCAR_bulk). **__kwargs : object, optional Other unused keyword-only arguments. Returns ------- None. """ self._target = target self.comments = comments self.slab = None self.header = '\n' # Default is no header @property def stream(self): """Return the stream to which the POSCAR should be written.""" raise NotImplementedError def write(self, slab): """Write the info in slab to the as a POSCAR.""" self._write_selective_dynamics_line() @staticmethod def _get_scaling(slab): """Yield the 'poscar-scaling' line.""" yield f'{slab.poscar_scaling:10.6f}\n' @staticmethod def _get_unit_cell(slab): """Yield one line per unit cell vector.""" for vector in slab.ucell.T: vec = ''.join(f'{v / slab.poscar_scaling:22.16f}' for v in vector) yield vec + '\n' @staticmethod def _get_elements_and_numbers(slab): """Yield the two lines of chemical species and their counts.""" yield ''.join(f'{el:>5}' for el in slab.elements) + '\n' yield ''.join(f'{n:>5}' for n in slab.n_per_elem.values()) + '\n' def _get_atom_coordinates(self, slab): """Yield a line of coordinates and other info for each atom in slab.""" more_than_one = (link for link in slab.linklists if len(link) > 1) linklists = {id(link): i+1 for i, link in enumerate(more_than_one)} for i, atom in enumerate(slab): line = ''.join(f'{coord:20.16f}' for coord in atom.pos) line += self._get_comments_for_atom(atom, i, linklists) yield line + '\n' def _get_cartesian_and_group_line(self, slab): """Yield the line for "Direct", group and other column headers.""" if self.comments == 'none': yield 'Direct\n' return line = f'{"Direct":<16}Plane group = ' if self.comments == 'nodir': line += '*' group = slab.planegroup if (slab.planegroup in ["pm", "pg", "cm", "rcm", "pmg"] and self.comments != 'nodir'): line += f"{group}{slab.orisymplane.par}" else: line += group if slab.planegroup != slab.foundplanegroup.split('[')[0]: line += ' (found ' if '[' in slab.foundplanegroup and self.comments == 'nodir': line += slab.foundplanegroup.split('[')[0] else: line += slab.foundplanegroup line += ')' line = line.ljust(60) if self.comments == 'all': line += (f'{"N":>5}{"SiteLabel":>12}{"Layer":>7}' f'{"Linking":>9}{"FreeDir":>12}') elif self.comments == 'nodir': line += (f'{"N":>5}{"SiteLabel":>12}{"Layer":>7}' f'{"Linking":>9}{"FreeDir":>12}: see POSCAR') yield line + '\n' def _get_comments_for_atom(self, atom, atom_index, linklists): """Return a line of comments for atom at atom_index.""" if self.comments in ('none', 'bulk'): # Only coordinates return '' line = (f'{atom_index+1:>5}' # N # f'{atom.el}{NperElCount}'.rjust(9) # NperEl f'{>12}' # SiteLabel f'{atom.layer.num + 1:>7}') # Layer if len(atom.linklist) <= 1: # Linking linked = 'none' else: linked = linklists[id(atom.linklist)] line += f'{linked:>9}' if self.comments == 'nodir': return line # # FreeDir _free_dir = "" if atom.is_bulk: _free_dir = 'bulk' elif isinstance(atom.freedir, np.ndarray): _free_dir = str(atom.freedir) # has to be made into a string elif atom.freedir == 0: _free_dir = 'locked' else: _free_dir = 'free' line += f"{_free_dir:>12}" return line def _write_selective_dynamics_line(self): """Write the 'Selective dynamics' line needed for DFT relaxation.""" class POSCARFileWriter(AbstractContextManager, POSCARWriter): """A context manager for writing a slab to POSCAR.""" def __init__(self, filename, *, comments='none'): """Initialize instance. Parameters ---------- filename : str or Path The path to the file to be read. comments : str, optional Defines whether additional information for each atom should be printed: - 'none' writes a normal POSCAR (Default) - 'all' all annotations - 'nodir' all annotations except directions relating to a or b (meant to be used with POSCAR_oricell) - 'bulk' is like 'none' but writes the space group (meant to be used with POSCAR_bulk). Returns ------- None. """ super().__init__(Path(filename), comments=comments) self._file_object = None # Take header line from existing POSCAR, or use a dummy header poscar = Path('POSCAR') if poscar.is_file(): with'r', encoding='utf-8') as _file: self.header = _file.readline() else: self.header = 'unknown' if not self.header.endswith('\n'): self.header += '\n' @property def filename(self): """Return the path to the file to be written.""" return self._target @property def stream(self): """Return the stream to which the POSCAR should be written.""" return self._file_object def __enter__(self): """Enter context.""" self._file_object ='w', encoding='utf-8') return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """Close file object when exiting.""" try: self._file_object.close() except AttributeError: pass super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) def write(self, slab): """Write the info contained in slab to file.""" if self._file_object is None or self._file_object.closed: raise ValueError( 'I/O operation on closed file. Use\n' f'with {type(self).__name__}(filename) as poscar:\n' ' poscar.write(slab)' ) super().write(slab) class POSCARStreamWriter(POSCARWriter): """Class for writing a Slab to an open stream in POSCAR format.""" @property def stream(self): """Return the stream to which the POSCAR should be written.""" return self._target def write(self, slab): """Write the info contained in slab to the current stream.""" if raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed stream') super().write(slab) class VASPPOSCARWriter(POSCARStreamWriter): """Class for writing a Slab to a POSCAR, ready for VASP relaxation.""" def __init__(self, stream, *, comments='none', relax_info=None): """Initialize instance. Parameters ---------- stream : TextIOBase The stream to which the POSCAR will be written. comments : str, optional Defines whether additional information for each atom should be printed: - 'none' writes a normal POSCAR (Default) - 'all' all annotations - 'nodir' all annotations except directions relating to a or b (meant to be used with POSCAR_oricell) - 'bulk' is like 'none' but writes the space group (meant to be used with POSCAR_bulk). This argument is ignored if relax_info is given. relax_info : dict or None, optional Contains optional information on how the slab should be relaxed. Keys in use: - 'above_c' : float, optional Only atoms above this c fraction are allowed to move. Should be between zero and one (both included). If not given, all atoms can move. - 'c_only' : bool, optional Are movements allowed only along c (True) or also in plane (False)? Default is True. Raises ------ ValueError If the 'above_c' key of relax_info is not a floating-point number between 0 and 1 (included) """ super().__init__(stream, comments=comments) if relax_info is None: relax_info = {} self.relax_info = relax_info self._check_relax_info() def _check_relax_info(self): """Raise if self.relax_info contains inappropriate values.""" above_c = self.relax_info.get('above_c', 0) if not 0 <= above_c <= 1: raise ValueError('Invalid relax_info: "above_c" ' 'must be in range [0, 1].') def _write_selective_dynamics_line(self): """Write the 'Selective dynamics' line needed for DFT relaxation.""" if self.relax_info:'Selective dynamics\n') def _get_comments_for_atom(self, atom, atom_index, linklists): """Return a line of comments for atom at atom_index.""" if not self.relax_info: return super()._get_comments_for_atom(atom, atom_index, linklists) c_cutoff = self.relax_info.get('above_c', -np.inf) relax_only_along_c = self.relax_info.get('c_only', True) if atom.pos[2] <= c_cutoff: return ' F F F' if relax_only_along_c: return ' F F T' return ' T T T'