"""Module bulk_slab of viperleed.calc.classes.slab.
Defines the BulkSlab class, a BaseSlab describing a 3D-periodic
crystal. This module was created as part of the refactoring of
slab.py (originally created on 2019-06-13).
__authors__ = (
'Florian Kraushofer (@fkraushofer)',
'Michele Riva (@michele-riva)',
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019-2024 ViPErLEED developers'
__created__ = '2023-02-21'
__license__ = 'GPLv3+'
import copy
import functools
import itertools
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist as euclid_distance
from viperleed.calc.lib import leedbase
from viperleed.calc.lib.base import add_edges_and_corners, collapse
from viperleed.calc.lib.base import rotation_matrix_order
from .base_slab import BaseSlab
from .errors import AlreadyMinimalError
from .errors import MissingSublayersError
from .errors import SlabError
from .utils import _cycle
[docs]class BulkSlab(BaseSlab):
"""A class representing an infinite solid, period in 3D.
Contains unit cell, element information and atom coordinates.
Also has a variety of convenience functions for manipulating
and updating the atoms.
ucell : np.array
The unit cell as vectors a, b, c (columns)
poscar_scaling : float
The original scaling factor from POSCAR
elements : tuple of str
Element labels as read from POSCAR
chemelem : set of str
Chemical elements in the slab, including from `ELEMENT_MIX`
n_per_elem : dict {str: int}
The number of atoms per POSCAR element.
atlist : AtomList
List of all atoms in the slab.
layers : tuple of Layer
Each `layer` is a composite of sublayers, as in TensErLEED
sublayers : tuple of SubLayer
Each SubLayer contains atoms of equal element and Z coordinate
sitelist : list of Sitetype
List of distinct sites as Sitetype, storing information
on vibration and concentration
ucell_mod : list of tuples (str, numpy.ndarray)
Stored modifications made to the unit cell; each is a tuple
of (type, array), where type is 'lmul', 'rmul', 'add', or
topat_ori_z : float
Stores the original position of the topmost atom in Cartesian
celltype : str # TODO: would be nicer with an Enum
Unit-cell shape as string. Values: 'oblique', 'rhombic',
'rectangular', 'square', 'hexagonal'
planegroup : str
Symmetry group of the slab. May be reduced by the user
relative to `foundplanegroup`.
foundplanegroup : str
Highest symmetry found. Doesn't get modified when user
reduces symmetry manually.
orisymplane : SymPlane
Only stored if the `planegroup` is ambiguous as to which unit
vector the symmetry plane at the origin is parallel to
linklists : list of list of Atom
List of lists of atoms which are linked by a symmetry operation
bulk_screws : list of int
Integer list of rotation orders present in the bulk.
bulk_glides : list of SymPlane
List of glide-symmetry planes present in the bulk.
[docs] def __init__(self):
"""Initialize instance."""
del self.bulkslab
self.bulk_screws = []
self.bulk_glides = []
def is_bulk(self):
"""Return whether this is a bulk slab."""
return True
def smallest_interlayer_gap(self):
"""Return the smallest z gap between two adjacent layers.
Make sure to update_layer_coordinates() before.
min_dist : float
The smallest of the z distances between adjacent layers.
Distances are calculated between the bottommost atom of
the higher layer and the topmost atom of the lower one.
If no layers are available.
if self.n_layers == 1:
return self.c_vector[2] - self.layers[0].thickness
return super().smallest_interlayer_gap
def from_slab(cls, other):
"""Return a `cls` instance with attributes deep-copied from `other`.
other : BaseSlab
The slab whose attributes are to be copied.
new_slab : SurfaceSlab
A new slab instance with attributes copied from
`other`. Notice that no modification will occur
for new_slab.layers. This means that some of the
.layers of `new_slab` may be non-bulk. The same
holds true for atoms. The caller is responsible
for modifying layer.is_bulk after this call.
return super().from_slab(other)
# Disabled too-many-arguments below because 7/5 seem better than
# packing these arguments into some data structure which would
# make the call to this method harder to follow.
# pylint: disable-next=too-many-arguments
def apply_bulk_cell_reduction(self, eps, epsz=None,
"""Reduce bulk unit cell in- and/or out-of-plane.
Extra atoms left after reduction of the unit cell size
are removed.
If desired, and the unit cell is actually changed, the
atom that is currently at the top can be kept at the top
also later. In this case, the z position of the new unit
cell is also centred relative to the geometric centre of
the atom coordinates.
eps : float
Cartesian tolerance (Angstrom) for in-plane comparison
of atomic coordinates.
epsz : float or None, optional
Cartesian tolerance (Angstrom) for comparison of atomic
coordinates in the direction orthogonal to the surface.
If not given or None, it is taken equal to `eps`. Default
is None.
new_c_vec : Sequence or None, optional
Cartesian coordinates of the new repeat vector. If not
given or None, the current repeat vector is retained.
Shape (3,). Default is None.
new_ab_cell : Sequence or None, optional
Cartesian coordinates of the new surface unit cell. The
new unit vectors are rows, i.e., a, b = `new_ab_cell`.
If not given or None, the current surface unit cell is
retained. Default is None.
recenter : bool, optional
Whether atom coordinates along the c axis should be
modified so that the atom that was highest when this
method was called (or one equivalent to it upon
translation) is also highest afterwards. Default
is True.
z_periodic : bool, optional
Whether the new_c_vec assigned will make this BulkSlab
periodic along the z direction. Default is True.
if new_ab_cell is None and new_c_vec is None:
return # Nothing to do
if epsz is None:
epsz = eps
update_origin = new_c_vec is not None
# Keep track of the atom that is currently at the top:
# after reducing the unit-cell vector along c, the fractional
# positions are screwed. We rely on the Cartesian ones, and,
# if requested, will 'shift' the fractional ones such that
# the topmost atom now is still the topmost atom later
top_atom = self.top_atom if recenter else None
# Make sure Cartesians are up to date,
# then reduce c direction if needed
if new_c_vec is not None:
self.c_vector[:] = new_c_vec
# Reduce in-plane dimension
if new_ab_cell is not None:
self.ab_cell[:] = new_ab_cell.T
# Collapse the atom coordinates to the new cell. We collapse
# the coordinates in a different manner if this slab is turned
# into a periodic one: atoms close to the edges in z are
# collapsed towards c=0. This prevents atoms closer to the
# edges than eps/epsz from being assigned different sublayers
# later on.
if not z_periodic:
# Here we do a version of collapse_cartesian_coordinates
# that accounts for eps.
releps = np.dot((eps, eps, epsz), np.linalg.inv(self.ucell.T))
# Get rid of duplicates resulting from the size reduction
self.remove_duplicate_atoms(eps, epsz)
if not recenter:
# As mentioned above, fractional positions in c
# are now screwed. Make top atom the topmost again...
top_atom_cfrac = top_atom.pos[2]
for atom in self:
atom.pos[2] = (atom.pos[2] - top_atom_cfrac + 0.9999) % 1.0
# ...then center fractional c coordinates around cell midpoint
atoms_c_frac = [at.pos[2] for at in self]
midpos = (max(atoms_c_frac) + min(atoms_c_frac)) / 2
for atom in self:
atom.pos[2] = (atom.pos[2] - midpos + 0.5) % 1.0
def ensure_minimal_c_vector(self, rpars, z_periodic=False):
"""Reduce the c vector to its minimum value.
This method not only finds the shortest c vector, but also
reduces the extension of this slab to have the new c vector
as the out-of-plane repeat. It also modifies `rpars` with
the minimal vector found. Use `get_minimal_c_vector` if you
only want to detect the shortest repeat, without affecting
either the slab or `rpars`.
rpars : Rparams
The PARAMETERS read from file. Attributes used:
read-only: SYMMETRY_EPS.
overwritten: BULK_REPEAT. The minimal c vector
found is stored in the BULK_REPEAT attribute of
z_periodic : bool, optional
Whether the slab is to be considered periodic along
the direction perpendicular to the surface while the
c vector is minimized. Typically False, unless the
current c vector is already a repeat vector for this
slab. Default is False.
shortest_c : numpy.ndarray
The new shortest c vector found.
If no shorter c vector is found.
If this slab has too large of a vacuum gap at the bottom.
# May raise AlreadyMinimalError
rpars.BULK_REPEAT = self.get_minimal_c_vector(rpars.SYMMETRY_EPS,
bottom_atom = self.bottom_atom
delta_z = self.topat_ori_z - bottom_atom.cartpos[2] # TODO: flip with .cartpos[2] -- Issue #174
if not z_periodic and delta_z > rpars.SYMMETRY_EPS.z:
# Here we could also remove_vacuum_at_bottom ourselves, but
# it is a bit of a pain as we would need to shift things
# back up later in order to keep the z centering.
raise SlabError(
f'{type(self).__name__}.ensure_minimal_c_vector: cannot reduce'
' c vector for a non-z-periodic slab that has a vacuum gap at '
f'the bottom (gap={delta_z:.3f} > {rpars.SYMMETRY_EPS.z:.3f}).'
f' Shift all atoms down along z using '
# Now we're sure that this slab will become
# periodic after modifying the c vector
return rpars.BULK_REPEAT
def get_bulk_3d_str(self):
"""Return info about bulk screw axes and glide planes as a string.
bulk_3d_str : str
Format is 'r(2, 4), m([1,1], [ 1,-1])' if there is
any screw axes or glide planes, otherwise 'None'.
return leedbase.bulk_3d_string(self.bulk_screws,
(p.par for p in self.bulk_glides))
def get_bulk_repeat(self, rpars, only_z_distance=False):
"""Return the bulk repeat vector (with positive z).
rpars : Rparams
The PARAMETERS to be interpreted. This is unused for
a bulk slab.
only_z_distance : bool, optional
Whether a distance in the direction perpendicular to the
surface (i.e., not necessarily along the c axis) should
be returned rather than a full vector. This is ignored
if `rpars.BULK_REPEAT` is a vector. Default is False.
bulk_repeat_vector : numpy.ndarray or float
Bulk repeat vector pointing from the bulk to the surface,
or its component along z.
bulkc = self.c_vector.copy()
if bulkc[2] < 0:
bulkc *= -1
if isinstance(rpars.BULK_REPEAT, np.ndarray) or not only_z_distance:
return bulkc
return bulkc[2]
def get_candidate_layer_periods(self, epsz=1e-4):
"""Find at which offsets the sublayers repeat in a bulk slab.
epsz : float, optional
Tolerance (Cartesian) on z distances. Default is 1e-4.
candidate_periods : list
Each element is an integer corresponding to the
number of sublayers that potentially constitute
a period for the slab. They are 'potential' in
that only consistency of chemical elements and
number of atoms are considered.
If this slab has no sublayers defined.
if not self.sublayers:
raise MissingSublayersError
if self.n_sublayers < 2:
return []
# Start from one layer (e.g., the first one) and accumulate
# potential periods as the offsets of all other layers with
# same element and same number of atoms. Stop at half the
# unit cell height, as periodicity cannot go beyond h/2.
# The same is true for the number of sublayers.
n_layers = self.n_sublayers
candidate_periods = []
ucell_h = self.c_vector[2]
ref_lay = self.sublayers[0]
for i, lay in enumerate(self.sublayers[1:], start=1):
if (abs(lay.cartbotz - ref_lay.cartbotz) > ucell_h / 2 + epsz
or i > n_layers / 2):
if (lay.element == ref_lay.element
and lay.n_atoms == ref_lay.n_atoms):
# Now make sure that also the layers
# in between have the same periods
return [p for p in candidate_periods
if self._is_candidate_period_acceptable(p, epsz)]
def _is_candidate_period_acceptable(self, period, epsz):
"""Return whether a sublayer period is an acceptable candidate.
period : int
Index distance between sublayers to be checked. This method
assumes that self.sublayers[0] and self.sublayers[period]
are consistent (same element and number of atoms).
epsz : float
Tolerance (Cartesian) on z distances.
acceptable : bool
Whether `period` is a suitable sublayer period. This
means that all the pairs of sublayers of the form
(self.sublayers[0<i<period], self.sublayers[i+period])
match one another (same element and number of atoms),
and have the same z distance as the one between
self.sublayers[0] and self.sublayers[period].
n_layers = self.n_sublayers
ucell_h = self.c_vector[2]
# Keep track of the distance between layers that
# we know match: the first one and the one at period.
# All pairs of layers in between must also be at the
# same distance.
z_dist = self.sublayers[period].cartbotz - self.sublayers[0].cartbotz
layer_pairs = zip(self.sublayers, _cycle(self.sublayers, period))
for i, (lay, lay_plus_period) in enumerate(layer_pairs, start=1):
if i > n_layers / 2:
return True
z_dist_this = lay_plus_period.cartbotz - lay.cartbotz
z_dist_this %= ucell_h
if (lay_plus_period.element != lay.element
or lay_plus_period.n_atoms != lay.n_atoms
or abs(z_dist - z_dist_this) > epsz):
return False
return True
def get_minimal_c_vector(self, eps, epsz=None, z_periodic=True):
"""Return the smallest bulk c vector, if any.
Notice that this method does not modify this slab. If
you want this slab to have the shortest c vector, use
`ensure_minimal_c_vector` instead.
eps : float
Cartesian tolerance for in-plane distances
epsz : float or None, optional
Cartesian tolerance for distances in the z direction,
i.e., perpendicular to the surface. If not given or
None, it is taken equal to `eps`.
z_periodic : bool, optional
Whether the current slab should be considered periodic
in the direction of the c vector. This is commonly True
for all bulk slabs, unless the current c vector is not
a repeat vector (e.g., while c is being identified using
detect_bulk). Default is True.
shortest_c : numpy.ndarray
The minimal repeat c vector found, in Cartesian
coordinates with (x, y) in the surface plane, and
z directed from the solid towards the surface, i.e.,
opposite to the usual LEED convention. The in-plane
components are always minimized.
If a shorter repeat vector could not be found.
if epsz is None:
epsz = eps
periods = self.get_candidate_layer_periods(epsz)
if not periods:
raise AlreadyMinimalError(
f'{type(self).__name__}.get_minimal_c_vector: no '
'candidate sublayer periods for reducing c vector'
# Work with a deepcopy, as we will play around with sublayers
self_copy = copy.deepcopy(self)
n_layers = self_copy.n_sublayers
# Pick one layer (e.g., the first one) and test translations
# for all vectors connecting an atom of this layer (e.g., the
# first one) to all atoms of all other layers.
ori = self_copy.sublayers[0].cartpos
# Since the periods are sorted from smaller to larger, we need
# only keep track of one repeat vector, stopping at the earliest
_is_symmetric = functools.partial(self_copy.is_translation_symmetric,
eps=eps, z_periodic=z_periodic)
repeat_c = None
for period in periods:
other_layer = self_copy.sublayers[period % n_layers]
# Vectors from surface to bulk (the way we want them
# later), but flip them for testing matching, which
# means translating the slab up towards the surface.
# This is important when, e.g., we're looking for the
# c vector in SurfaceSlab.detect_bulk: the upper part
# of the slab is not bulk.
test_vecs = (ori - atom.cartpos for atom in other_layer)
repeat_c = next((v for v in test_vecs if _is_symmetric(-v)), None)
if repeat_c is not None:
if repeat_c is None:
raise AlreadyMinimalError(
f'{type(self).__name__}.get_minimal_c_vector: none '
'of the candidate sublayer periods is an actual period'
# Flip z, because we store it opposed in Atom.cartpos[2], but
# want repeat_c with the same coordinate system as unit cell
repeat_c[2] *= -1 # TODO: .cartpos[2] -- Issue #174
# Minkowski-reduce the repeat vector to have
# it shortest and as close to z as possible
leedbase.reduce_c_vector(repeat_c, self.ab_cell.T)
return repeat_c
def is_bulk_glide_symmetric(self, symplane, sublayer_period, eps):
"""Return if the slab has a 3D glide plane.
symplane : SymPlane
The mirror part of the glide plane to test.
sublayer_period : int
Number of sublayers, corresponding to the translation
part of the glide operation to be tested: translations
are tested for all vectors connecting pairs of sublayers
whose indices differ by `sublayer_period`. Normally one
of the values returned by `get_candidate_layer_periods`.
eps : float
Tolerance (Cartesian) on atomic positions.
has_glide : bool
Whether the slab has a bulk glide plane with the
given `symplane` and `sublayer_period` translation.
matrix = symplane.point_operation(n_dim=3)
return self._is_bulk_transform_symmetric(matrix, sublayer_period, eps)
def is_bulk_screw_symmetric(self, order, sublayer_period, eps):
"""Return if the slab has a 3D screw axis.
order : int
The rotation order of the screw axis to test.
sublayer_period : int
Number of sublayers, corresponding to the translation
part of the screw operation to be tested: translations
are tested for all vectors connecting pairs of sublayers
whose indices differ by `sublayer_period`. Normally one
of the values returned by `get_candidate_layer_periods`.
eps : float
Tolerance (Cartesian) on atomic positions.
has_screw : bool
Whether the slab has a bulk screw with the given
`order` and `sublayer_period` translation.
matrix = rotation_matrix_order(order, dim=3)
return self._is_bulk_transform_symmetric(matrix, sublayer_period, eps)
# Disabled too-many-locals below: While there are indeed quite
# a few locals (20/15), refactoring this would require either
# helper methods that take a lot of arguments or some special
# class that holds them. That's because all the stuff is computed
# the very least number of times to speed up execution. Let's
# prefer execution time and use a lot of comments to help.
# pylint: disable-next=too-many-locals
def _is_bulk_transform_symmetric(self, matrix, sublayer_period, eps):
"""Return if this slab is equivalent under a 3D screw/glide.
matrix : numpy.ndarray
The rotational or mirror part of the symmetry
transformation to be tested. Shape (3, 3). The
transformation `matrix` is applied from the left to
the Cartesian coordinates (taken as column vectors).
It should represent a point operation that does not
change the z coordinates, i.e., it is block-diagonal
with non-trivial elements only in [:2, :2].
sublayer_period : int
Number of sublayers to be considered for constructing
test translation vectors. Should be one of the candidate
periods returned by `self.get_candidate_layer_periods()`.
Translational symmetry is tested for all vectors connecting
atoms between sublayer pairs whose indices differ by
eps : float
Tolerance (Cartesian) for position equivalence.
is_symmetric : bool
True if screw/glide symmetric, else False.
# Let's use the better version of the unit cell, with
# unit vector as rows
ucell = self.ucell.T
ucell_inv = np.linalg.inv(ucell)
releps = eps / np.linalg.norm(ucell, axis=1)
# Get translation vectors to check. Notice that it is enough
# to pick any single atom from any layer as 'reference', and
# test translations to all atoms in another layer. To minimize
# the number of test translations, use pairs of low-occupancy
# layers. The next lines assume that sublayer_period comes from
# a call to get_candidate_layer_periods.
lowocclayer = self.fewest_atoms_sublayer
ori = matrix.dot(lowocclayer.cartpos)
ref_layers = itertools.islice(self.sublayers, # From next one
lowocclayer.num + 1, None)
# compare_layers: sublayers starting at num+period index,
# wrapped around. Notice that num+period is the buddy of
# lowocclayer. We take it out of the iterator while making
# the translations. After then, compare_layers is aligned
# with ref_layers.
compare_layers = _cycle(self.sublayers,
lowocclayer.num + sublayer_period)
translations = [at.cartpos - ori for at in next(compare_layers)]
for ref_layer, compare_layer in zip(ref_layers, compare_layers):
# Prepare matrix-transformed versions of the Cartesian
# coordinates of this sublayer, after collapsing to the
# base unit cell. Translations will be applied later.
matrix_transformed, _ = collapse(
np.array([at.cartpos for at in ref_layer]),
ucell, ucell_inv
matrix_transformed = matrix_transformed.dot(matrix.T)
# Get coordinates of the sublayer to compare to, also
# collapsed to base cell, and including extra atoms
# for those close to edges and corners
to_compare, frac_coords = collapse(
np.array([at.cartpos for at in compare_layer]),
ucell, ucell_inv
to_compare, _ = add_edges_and_corners(to_compare,
releps, ucell)
j = 0
while j < len(translations):
transformed_3d = matrix_transformed + translations[j]
transformed_3d, _ = collapse(transformed_3d, ucell, ucell_inv)
distances = euclid_distance(transformed_3d, to_compare)
if any(distances.min(axis=1) > eps):
j += 1
if not translations:
return False
return True
def with_double_thickness(self, new_atoms_start_idx=None):
"""Return a copy of this bulk slab which is twice as thick."""
double_slab = copy.deepcopy(self)
c_vec = double_slab.c_vector
# For atoms that are added, because we use z flipped # TODO: .cartpos[2] -- Issue #174
c_vec_atoms = c_vec.copy()
c_vec_atoms[2] *= -1
if new_atoms_start_idx is None:
# BulkSlab objects tend to have a non-continuous
# distribution of atom numbers that usually come
# from the parent SurfaceSlab for which this slab
# is the bulk. We cannot use the normal n_atoms + 1,
# as we may end up in a conflict of atom numbers.
new_atoms_start_idx = max(at.num for at in double_slab) + 1
# Now decide which way to go, depending on
# whether there are layers already defined
if double_slab.layers:
# pylint: disable=protected-access
double_slab._add_one_bulk_cell(double_slab.layers, c_vec,
c_vec_atoms, 0, new_atoms_start_idx)
for atom in double_slab.atlist.copy():
atom.cartpos += c_vec_atoms
new_atoms_start_idx += 1
c_vec[:] *= 2
double_slab.sublayers = () # They are outdated
return double_slab