Source code for viperleed.calc.classes.r_error

"""Module r_error of viperleed.calc.classes.

Defines data structures and functions for storing and manipulating
errors curves.

__authors__ = (
    'Alexander M. Imre (@amimre)',
    'Florian Kraushofer (@fkraushofer)',
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019-2024 ViPErLEED developers'
__created__ = '2023-01-12'
__license__ = 'GPLv3+'

import copy
import logging

import numpy as np

from viperleed.calc.lib.base import range_to_str

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class R_Error(): """Data structure for storing errors after they have been calculated. Stores the displacements that led to the R-factors even if they are modified later. Displacements are stored for one atom only, the other are linked. """
[docs] def __init__(self, r_type, atoms, mode, rfacs, disp_label, lin_disp, v0i=None, energy_range=None): self.r_type = r_type # Type of R-factor (int). Only Pendry R-factor (r_type=1) can give statistical error estimates. self.atoms = atoms # atoms that have been varied together self.mode = mode # vib, geo, or occ self.rfacs = rfacs # the r-factors from the variations self.var_r = None self.displacements = [] # displacements of atoms[0] self.disp_label = disp_label self.lin_disp = lin_disp # linearized displacement self.main_element = "" # element occupation displayed in output self.elem_occ = None d = {} at = atoms[0] # store displacements for this one; main element if mode == "occ": if atoms[0].el in atoms[0].disp_occ: self.main_element = atoms[0].el # main site element else: # element with highest occupation in refcalc self.main_element = max(atoms[0].site.occ, key=lambda k: atoms[0].site.occ[k]) self.displacements = copy.deepcopy(atoms[0].disp_occ[ self.main_element]) self.lin_disp = copy.deepcopy(self.displacements) self.elem_occ = copy.deepcopy(atoms[0].disp_occ) vac_occ = np.ones_like(self.lin_disp) for el_occ in self.elem_occ.values(): vac_occ -= el_occ if np.sum(vac_occ) > 1e-4: # If vacancies, put them into output CSV self.elem_occ["Vac"] = vac_occ else: if mode == "geo": d = atoms[0].disp_geo elif mode == "vib": d = atoms[0].disp_vib if len(d) > 0: if at.el in d: k = at.el else: k = "all" self.displacements = copy.deepcopy(d[k]) if v0i and energy_range and r_type==1: self.calc_var_r(v0i, energy_range)
def calc_var_r(self, v0i, energy_range): r"""Calculates the variance of the Pendry R-factor. The variance of the Pendry R-factor can be estimated from the imaginary part of the inner potential and the measurement energy range as: .. math:: \mathrm{var}(R_p) = \sqrt{ \frac{8V_{0\mathrm{i}}}{E_{\mathrm{range}}}}R_{\mathrm{min}} Parameters ---------- v0i : float Imaginary part of the inner potential (eV). energy_range : float Energy range in eV. Raises ------ ValueError: If v0i or energy_range are not float values. ValueError: If v0i or energy_range are negative. This would be unphysical. """ if self.r_type != 1: raise ValueError("Var(R) can only be calculated when using the " "Pendry R-factor.") if not isinstance(v0i, float) and isinstance(energy_range, float): raise ValueError("v0i and energy_range must be float values.") if v0i<= 0 or energy_range <= 0: raise ValueError("v0i and energy range must be positive ") if not self.rfacs: raise ValueError("Cannot calculate variance of R-factor without " "stored R-factors.") self.var_r = np.sqrt(8*np.abs(v0i) / energy_range) * self.get_r_min @property def get_error_estimates(self): """Decide if statistical error estimates can be given and calculates them. Returns ------- tuple of float or None A tuple containing upper and lower error bounds, es estimated from the variance of R_P, if errors can be estimated. If either bound can not be estimates (e.g. no intersection with line R_min + var(R)), the element is None. If neither bound can be estimated, both values are None. Raises ------ ValueError If self.lin_disp is not initialized. """ # error estimates are only available for Pendry R-factor if self.r_type != 1: #TODO: when we introduce a new R-factor, make sure to update this. return (None, None) r_min = self.get_r_min if self.var_r is None: logger.warning("Cannot calculate statistical errors for " f'atoms {range_to_str([at.num for at in self.atoms])}') return (None, None) if self.lin_disp is None: raise ValueError("Linear displacements not initialized.") # more than 4 points if len(self.rfacs) < 3 or not self.var_r: return (None, None) # minimum R factor of this error is not necessarily the same as # the overall minimum R factor err_min_R = min(self.rfacs) # TODO change!!!!! if err_min_R > r_min + self.var_r: return (None, None) # treat upper and lower half of error curve err_min_R_id = self.rfacs.index(err_min_R) best_param = self.lin_disp[self.rfacs.index(err_min_R)] left_rfacs = self.rfacs[:err_min_R_id+1] left_lin_disp = self.lin_disp[:err_min_R_id+1] right_rfacs = self.rfacs[err_min_R_id:] right_lin_disp = self.lin_disp[err_min_R_id:] error_estimates = [] for rfacs, lin_disp in ((left_rfacs, left_lin_disp), (right_rfacs, right_lin_disp)): # find zero crossing offset_rfacs = rfacs - (r_min + self.var_r) if (len(rfacs) < 3 or # too few points get_n_zero_crossings(offset_rfacs) != 1): # unclear crossing of line error_estimates.append(None) elif(max(rfacs) <= r_min + self.var_r): # maximum R below r_min + var(R) line error_estimates.append(None) else: crossing_point = get_zero_crossing(lin_disp, offset_rfacs) delta = abs(best_param - crossing_point) error_estimates.append(delta) return tuple(error_estimates) @property def get_r_min(self): """Returns minimum R-factor of error. Returns ------- float Minimum R-factor stored in self.rfacs. """ return min(self.rfacs) @property def get_p_min(self): """Returns parameter value at minimum R-factor. Returns ------- float parameter value at minium R-factor (self.rfacs). """ return self.lin_disp[self.rfacs.index(self.get_r_min)]
def get_n_zero_crossings(x_arr): """Counts and returns the number of zero crossings in input. x_arr must be discrete numerical data. This function counts the number of times the zero line is crossed when going through the input values in order, e.g. x_arr=[-3, 1 , 1, -5, -2] would return 2. Parameters ---------- x_arr : list or ndarray of numbers Discrete numerical input data. Returns ------- int Number of times the discrete input data crossed the zero line. """ arr = np.array(x_arr) n_zero_crossings = int((1 - np.sign((arr[:-1]*arr[1:]))).sum()/2) return n_zero_crossings def get_zero_crossing(x_arr, y_arr, eps=1e-6): """Computes and returns the x_value where the provided dataset crosses zero. x_arr and y_arr are sets of x and y values respectively. This function first checks in between which points the zero line is crossed. It then performs a linear interpolation between those two points and gives the interpolated x values, where the zero line is crossed. If two subsequent points are zero, the middle is returned. If the dataset crosses the zero line multiple times, only the first x value will be returned. See also get_n_zero_crossings(). Parameters ---------- x_arr : list or array of numbers. x_values of the data to be checked. Must in ascending order. y_arr : _type_ _description_ eps: float Numerical accuracy of comparison. Returns ------- float or None The linearly interpolated x value of the zero crossing. None if no zero crossing is found. Raises ------ ValueError if x_arr and y_arr have incompatible shapes. ValueError if the values of x_arr are not monotonically increasing. """ if len(x_arr) != len(y_arr): raise ValueError("Different sized arrays supplied.") # make sure x_arr is monotonically increasing if not np.all(x_arr[1:] >= x_arr[:-1]): raise ValueError("Values in x_arr are not monotonically increasing") # find location of zero crossing for id in range(len(x_arr)-1): if y_arr[id]*y_arr[id+1] <= 0: R_jump = abs(y_arr[id+1]-y_arr[id]) if R_jump < eps: # avoid division by zero return (x_arr[id]+x_arr[id+1])/2 return x_arr[id]-y_arr[id]*(x_arr[id+1]-x_arr[id])/(y_arr[id+1]-y_arr[id]) # return None if no zero crossing found return None