Source code for viperleed.calc.classes.atom

"""Module atom of viperleed.calc.classes.

Class storing position and other properties of individual atoms (to be
used with Slab, Layer, etc).

__authors__ = (
    'Florian Kraushofer (@fkraushofer)',
    'Alexander M. Imre (@amimre)',
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019-2024 ViPErLEED developers'
__created__ = '2019-06-13'
__license__ = 'GPLv3+'

import copy
import logging

import numpy as np

from viperleed.calc.lib.base import add_edges_and_corners

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class AtomError(Exception):
    """Base exception for Atom objects."""

[docs]class Atom: # TODO: Issue #174 -- change description of cartpos when flipping .cartpos[2] """Class storing information about a single atom. Attributes ---------- el : str Element type pos : numpy.ndarray Atom position as fractional coordinate num : int A progressive number identifying this atom. Normally, it would be the atom number in the POSCAR (i.e., the VESTA progressive, non-element-specific number). slab : Slab The Slab that the atom belongs to. layer : Layer or None Layer object that the atom belongs to (if any). site : Sitetype or None Site type of the atom, containing vibrational amplitude and occupation. Supplied by the SITE_DEF parameter, assigned by the initSites method of Slab. cartpos : numpy.ndarray Position in Cartesian coordinates, with the highest atom at z = 0, positive z pointing into the surface linklist : list of Atom Defines to which other atoms this Atom is linked. Notice that if this Atom is linked to another one, the linklist of both are the same object, i.e., there is only one linklist shared by all atoms in the same group. This is used together with symrefm to determine symmetry-conserving displacements. displist : list of Atom Like linklist, but keeps track of which symmetry was active when displacement was defined. freedir : int or numpy.ndarray Defines whether the atom can be moved or is locked by symmetry. 0: no movements, 1: completely free, np.array([0|1, 0|1|-1]): parallel movement to a, b, or diagonal symrefm : numpy.ndarray Defines how a translation of the atom at self.linklist[0] should be transformed to affect this atom. disp_vib, disp_geo, disp_occ : dict Keys are elements, values are lists of vibration/geometry/ occupation offsets disp_geo_offset : dict Keys are elements; values are also formatted as lists for convenience, but should be one element long. disp_center_index : dict of dict Which index in the displacement range corresponds to 'no change' dispInitialized : bool disp_* variables get initialized after readVIBROCC by Atom.initDisp known_deltas : list of str Filenames of delta files generated or found for this atom offset_geo, offset_vib, offset_occ : dict Offsets from self.cartpos,, per element constraints : dict Parameter constraints for restrict.f per element, where 1, 2, 3 = geo, vib, occ. Can be integer-valued index in disp_* range or a tuple (atom, element) oriState : Atom Deep copy of self before a search is applied duplicate_of : Atom If this atom is identical to another one by translational symmetry (through SYMMETRY_CELL_TRANSFORM or domain supercell creation), this points to the atom in the base cell. """
[docs] def __init__(self, el, pos, num, slab): """Initialize instance.""" self.el = el self.pos = np.asarray(pos, dtype=float) self.cartpos = None # TODO: Issue #174 -- calculate right away self.num = num self.slab = slab self.layer = None = None self.duplicate_of = None self.known_deltas = [] self.oriState = None self.linklist = [] self.freedir = 1 self.symrefm = np.identity(2) self.displist = [] self.disp_vib = {'all': [0.]} self.disp_geo = {'all': [np.zeros(3)]} self.disp_occ = {el: [1.]} self.disp_labels = {'geo': '', 'vib': '', 'occ': ''} self.disp_lin_steps = {'geo': [], 'vib': [], 'occ': []} self.disp_geo_offset = {'all': [np.zeros(3)]} self.disp_center_index = {'vib': {'all': 0}, 'geo': {'all': 0}, 'occ': {el: 0}} self.dispInitialized = False self.offset_geo = {} self.offset_vib = {} self.offset_occ = {} self.constraints = {1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}}
def __repr__(self): """Return a representation string of this Atom.""" return (f'{type(self).__name__}(el={self.el}, pos={self.pos}, ' f'num={self.num}, slab={self.slab})') def __str__(self): """Return a string version of this Atom.""" return f'{type(self).__name__}({self.num} {self.el})' def __format__(self, fmt_spec): """Return a formatted version of self.""" return format(str(self), fmt_spec) @property def is_bulk(self): """Return whether this Atom is in a bulk layer.""" try: return self.layer.is_bulk except AttributeError: return False def assignConstraint(self, mode, targetel='', value=None, linkAtEl=None, index=None): """ Assign a displacement constraint to this atom. Can be assigned for all elements or only one. Constraint is either a fixed value, or another (Atom, element) pair to link to. Parameters ---------- mode : integer Which parameter to constrain. 1: geo, 2: vib, 3: occ targetel : string, optional If undefined, constrain for all elements. Otherwise, only constrain for the given element. value : float, optional The value to which the given parameter should be constrained. If the value is not in the disprange, assignment will be skipped. Leave at default (None) if 'linkAtEl' or 'index' argument is passed instead. linkAtEl : tuple, optional Format (Atom, str). The atom and element to which the parameter should be linked. If that atom's displist has a different length, assignment will be skipped. The element may be an empty string. In that case linking is considered to apply to all elements. Leave at default if 'value' or 'index' argument is passed instead. Default is None. index : int, optional The index to which the given parameter should be constrained. Leave at default if 'linkAtEl' or 'value' argument is passed instead. Indices are 1-based. Raises ------ TypeError If no constrain type is given among `value`, `linkAtEl`, and `index` ValueError If more than one constraint type is given among `value`, `linkAtEl`, and `index` ValueError If `mode` is not one of the acceptable displacement modes """ eps = 1e-5 pars = len([p for p in [value, linkAtEl, index] if p is not None]) if pars > 1: raise ValueError( f'{type(self).__name__}.assignConstraint: Can only constrain ' 'to either a fixed value or to another atom, not both' ) if not pars: raise TypeError( f'{type(self).__name__}.assignConstraint: Exactly one ' 'constraint needed among "index", "value", or "linkAtEl"' ) if mode == 1: td = self.disp_geo elif mode == 2: td = self.disp_vib elif mode == 3: td = self.disp_occ else: # offset is not allowed here raise ValueError(f'{type(self).__name__}.assignConstraint: ' f'Unknown key {mode} for mode ({self})') if index is not None or value is not None: if targetel == '': els = list(td.keys()) else: if targetel in td: els = [targetel] elif 'all' in td: els = ['all'] else: _LOGGER.warning( f'Cannot assign constraint for {self}: Element ' f'{targetel} does not have displacements assigned.' ) return for el in els: if index: if index > len(td[el]) or index < 1: _LOGGER.warning( f'Cannot assign constraint for {self}, ' f'element {el}: index {index} is out of bounds' ) else: self.constraints[mode][el] = index - 1 continue # else value if mode == 1: dirvec = td[el][-1] - td[el][0] # dir of disp range dirvec = dirvec / np.linalg.norm(dirvec) match = [(np.linalg.norm(v - value*dirvec) < eps) for v in td[el]] else: match = [(abs(v - value) < eps) for v in td[el]] if any(match): self.constraints[mode][el] = match.index(True) else: _LOGGER.warning( f'Cannot assign constraint for {self}, element {el}: ' f'value {value} is not in displacement list' ) else: # linkAtEl (at, el2) = linkAtEl if mode == 1: td2 = at.disp_geo elif mode == 2: td2 = at.disp_vib elif mode == 3: td2 = at.disp_occ if el2 in td2: listlen = len(td2[el2]) else: listlen = len(list(td2.values())[-1]) if targetel == '': els = list(td.keys()) else: els = [targetel] for el in els: if len(td[el]) != listlen: _LOGGER.warning(f'Cannot constrain {self} to {at}: ' 'displacement list lengths differ.') return for el in els: self.constraints[mode][el] = linkAtEl def assignDisp(self, mode, disprange, targetel='', primary=True, displist=[], disp_label='', disp_lin_steps = []): """ Assigns a list of displacements to this atom, for all or a given element. Parameters ---------- mode : int What to displace. 1: geo, 2: vib, 3: occ, 4: geo offset disprange : The list of displacements. For geometrical offsets, pass a list with only one element. targetel : str, optional If given, assignment is made only for that element, otherwise for all. Default is an empty string. primary : bool, optional Defines whether the assigned displacement should be passed along to linked atoms. If True, assignDisp is called for these atoms, with primary=False. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. Default is True. displist : list, optional Elements are Atom objects. Passed in secondary assignment to later link parameters (the 'linklist' defines how the 'displist' is defined, but can change via the SYM_DELTA parameter). Raises ------ ValueError If `mode` is not an acceptable displacement mode. """ if targetel.lower() == 'vac': # don't write stuff for vacancies - they don't get displaced, and # occupation can be determined implicitly return eps = 1e-5 # tolerance for comparing displacements dr = copy.copy(disprange) # to make sure multiple atoms do not get the same list object if mode == 1: td = self.disp_geo self.disp_labels['geo'] = disp_label self.disp_lin_steps['geo'] = disp_lin_steps elif mode == 2: td = self.disp_vib self.disp_labels['vib'] = 'N/A' # direction not applicable for vib self.disp_lin_steps['vib'] = disp_lin_steps elif mode == 3: td = self.disp_occ self.disp_labels['occ'] = 'N/A' # direction not applicabel for occ self.disp_lin_steps['occ'] = disp_lin_steps elif mode == 4: td = self.disp_geo_offset else: raise ValueError(f'{type(self).__name__}.assignDisp: ' f'Unknown key {mode} for mode ({self})') if targetel == '': els = list(td.keys()) else: els = [targetel] for el in els: if mode == 4: # special case: offset if el not in td: td[el] = dr else: match = True if (abs(dr[0][2]) > eps and abs(td[el][0][2] - dr[0][2]) > eps): if abs(td[el][0][2]) < eps: td[el][0][2] = dr[0][2] else: match = False if (np.linalg.norm(dr[0][:2]) > eps and np.linalg.norm(td[el][0][:2] - dr[0][:2]) > eps): if all([(abs(f) < eps) for f in td[el][0][:2]]): td[el][0][:2] = dr[0][:2] else: match = False if not match: _LOGGER.warning( 'Atom.assignDisp: Trying to assign offset, ' f'but {self} already has an offset defined.' ' Skipping second assignment.' ) continue if (el not in td or (len(td[el]) == 1 and np.linalg.norm(td[el]) < 1e-5) or (mode == 3 and len(td[el]) == 1)): # did not assign for this element yet -> OK, store td[el] = dr # also store center if mode != 3: n = [np.linalg.norm(v) for v in dr] else: n = [abs(v -[el]) for v in dr] smode = {1: 'geo', 2: 'vib', 3: 'occ'} self.disp_center_index[smode[mode]][el] = n.index(min(n)) continue # is warning required: every value in td[el] also in disprange? match = True if el in td: if len(td[el]) != len(dr): match = False else: for v in td[el]: # check whether all values from td[el] are in disprange found = False for v2 in dr: if np.linalg.norm(v-v2) < eps: found = True break if not found: match = False break if not match and len(td[el]) > 1: _LOGGER.warning( 'Atom.assignDisp: Trying to assign displacement list, ' f'but {self} already has displacements assigned. ' 'Skipping second assignment.' ) return # also don't assign to other atoms # in case of linking, base assignments on current dr dr = td[el][:] # assign to atoms in linklist: if primary: if not self.displist: self.displist = [self] self.slab.displists.append(self.displist) for at in [at for at in self.linklist if at != self]: if mode == 1 or mode == 4: tm = np.identity(3) tm[:2, :2] =, np.linalg.inv(self.symrefm)) newdr = [, v) for v in dr] else: newdr = dr[:] at.assignDisp(mode, newdr, targetel, primary=False, displist=self.displist, disp_label=disp_label, disp_lin_steps=disp_lin_steps) return if self.displist and displist != self.displist: _LOGGER.warning( f'{self} is being linked to different groups in the ' 'DISPLACEMENTS file. This will interfere with correct ' 'parameter linking in the search! Check SYM_DELTA settings.' ) if self not in displist: displist.append(self) self.displist = displist def clearOffset(self, mode, targetel='', primary=True, displist=[]): """Revert an offset for self and all its symmetry-equivalent atoms. The offset restored is the one saved in .oriState (typically from POSCAR or VIBROCC). Parameters ---------- mode : int Which offset to restore. 1: geo, 2: vib, 3: occ targetel : str, optional If passed, assignment is made only for that element, otherwise for all. primary : bool, optional Defines whether assignment should be passed along to linked atoms. This will call assignDisp for these atoms, with primary=False. displist : list, optional Elements are Atom objects. Passed in secondary assignment to later link parameters (the 'linklist' defines how the 'displist' is defined, but can change via the SYM_DELTA parameter). Raises ------ ValueError If `mode` is not one of the acceptable displacement modes. """ if self.oriState is None or targetel.lower() == 'vac': return if mode == 1: td = self.offset_geo od = self.oriState.offset_geo elif mode == 2: td = self.offset_vib od = self.oriState.offset_vib elif mode == 3: td = self.offset_occ od = self.oriState.offset_occ else: raise ValueError(f'{type(self).__name__}.clearOffset: ' f'Unknown key {mode} for mode ({self})') if targetel == '': els = list(td.keys()) else: els = [targetel] for el in els: if el not in od: del td[el] else: td[el] = od[el] # assign to atoms in linklist: if primary: if not self.displist: self.displist = [self] self.slab.displists.append(self.displist) for at in [at for at in self.linklist if at != self]: at.clearOffset(mode, targetel, primary=False, displist=self.displist) return if self.displist and displist != self.displist: _LOGGER.warning( f'{self} is being linked to different groups in the ' 'DISPLACEMENTS file. This will interfere with correct ' 'parameter linking in the search! Check SYM_DELTA settings.' ) if self not in displist: displist.append(self) self.displist = displist def copyOriState(self, other): """Deepcopy positions and offsets from another atom into oriState.""" self.storeOriState() self.oriState.pos = other.pos.copy() self.oriState.cartpos = other.cartpos.copy() self.oriState.offset_geo = copy.deepcopy(other.offset_geo) self.oriState.offset_vib = copy.deepcopy(other.offset_vib) self.oriState.offset_occ = copy.deepcopy(other.offset_occ) def duplicate(self, add_to_atlists=True, num=None): """Return a somewhat lightweight copy of this Atom. Attributes position and elements are deep-copied, all others are instead references to those of this Atom. This includes in particular, site, displacements, slab, and layer. The new Atom can also be automatically added to the existing slab and layer. Parameters ---------- add_to_atlists : bool, optional Whether the duplicate atom should be added to atom lists in the existing Slab and Layer objects. Default is True. num : int or None, optional Progressive number to give to the new atom returned. If not given or None, it is taken from the slab of this Atom. Default is None. Returns ------- newat : Atom The duplicate atom that was created. """ if num is None: num = self.slab.n_atoms + 1 newat = Atom(self.el, self.pos.copy(), num, self.slab) newat.cartpos = self.cartpos.copy() newat.duplicate_of = self = newat.dispInitialized = True newat.disp_vib = self.disp_vib newat.disp_geo = self.disp_geo newat.disp_occ = self.disp_occ if add_to_atlists: self.slab.atlist.append(newat) # TODO: consider an AtomContainer.add_atom(atom) abstract method! self.slab.n_per_elem[self.el] += 1 if self.layer is not None: self.layer.atlist.append(newat) newat.layer = self.layer return newat def initDisp(self, force=False): # TODO: all the DISP stuff should complain if .is_bulk """Initialize displacement dictionaries based on This method should not be called before a site has been given to this Atom. This method must be called before displacements can be merged with their offsets, as this method prepares the correct entries in disp_occ. Parameters ---------- force : bool, optional Whether displacements should be cleared also if they are already present. Default is False. Raises ------ RuntimeError If this method is called before a site is available """ if not raise RuntimeError('Cannot initialize displacements ' 'before a site is defined') if self.dispInitialized and not force: return self.dispInitialized = True self.disp_vib = {'all': [0.]} self.disp_geo = {'all': [np.zeros(3)]} self.disp_occ = {} self.disp_center_index = {'vib': {'all': 0}, 'geo': {'all': 0}, 'occ': {}} for k, v in if v > 0 or k in self.disp_occ[k] = [v] self.disp_center_index['occ'][k] = 0 def is_same_xy(self, cartpos, eps=1e-3): """Return whether this atom is close to a 2D cartpos. If the atom is close to an edge or corner its replicas are also considered. Parameters ---------- cartpos : numpy.ndarray or Atom 2D Cartesian coordinates to check against the position of this atom. If an Atom, its in-plane Cartesian position is used. eps : float, optional The precision to which positions are expected to match. The default is 1e-3. Returns ------- bool True if positions match, else False. """ if isinstance(cartpos, Atom): cartpos = cartpos.cartpos[:2] abt = self.slab.ab_cell.T releps = eps / np.linalg.norm(abt, axis=1) complist, _ = add_edges_and_corners([self.cartpos[:2]], (self.pos,), releps, abt) return any(np.linalg.norm(cartpos - complist, axis=1) < eps) def mergeDisp(self, el): """ Merges the offsets from VIBROCC and DISPLACEMENTS into the displacements lists from DISPLACEMENTS for the given element. For vibrational and occupational offsets a consistency check is performed. The offset lists will be emptied. Raises ------- RuntimeError If this method is called before initDisp. """ if not self.dispInitialized: raise RuntimeError('Need to .initDisp before displacements ' 'can be merged with offsets') self.storeOriState() # geometric offsets from DISPLACEMENTS geo_d_offset = self.disp_geo_offset.get(el, self.disp_geo_offset['all'])[0] if el not in self.disp_geo: self.disp_geo[el] = copy.copy(list(self.disp_geo['all'])) self.disp_geo[el] = list(self.disp_geo[el] + geo_d_offset) self.disp_geo_offset = {'all': [np.zeros(3)]} # geometric offsets from VIBROCC if el in self.offset_geo: geo_offset = self.offset_geo[el] self.disp_geo[el] = [geo_step + geo_offset for geo_step in self.disp_geo[el]] del self.offset_geo[el] # vibrational offsets from VIBROCC if el not in self.disp_vib: self.disp_vib[el] = copy.copy(self.disp_vib['all']) if el in self.offset_vib: vib_offset = self.offset_vib[el] final_vib_steps = [vib_step + vib_offset for vib_step in self.disp_vib[el]] if any(np.array(final_vib_steps) +[el] < 0): _LOGGER.error(f'Vibrational offset for {self} defined in ' 'VIBROCC would result in negative vibrational ' 'amplitude. Offset will be ignored.') else: self.disp_vib[el] = final_vib_steps del self.offset_vib[el] # vibrational offsets from VIBROCC if el in self.offset_occ: occ_offset = self.offset_occ[el] final_occ_steps = [occ_step + occ_offset for occ_step in self.disp_occ[el]] if any(np.array(final_occ_steps) < 0) or any(np.array(final_occ_steps) > 1): _LOGGER.error( f'Occupational offset for {self} defined in ' 'VIBROCC would result in unphysical concentration' '(occupation <0 or >1). Offset will be ignored.' ) else: self.disp_occ[el] = final_occ_steps del self.offset_occ[el] def storeOriState(self): """Stores the initial values from the input files for this atom.""" if self.oriState is None: self.oriState = self.duplicate(add_to_atlists=False) # TODO: potential problem: duplicate only shallow copies some attributes. def translate_2d(self, cart_shift, frac_shift): """Apply a 2D translation to this Atom.""" self.cartpos[:2] += cart_shift self.pos[:2] += frac_shift